
All aspects of a film form including narrative contribute to the representations of cultures and societies (gender, ethnicity and age) including the ideological nature of those representations.


  • age
  • ethnicity
  • body language/gestures
  • facial expressions
  • costume

Stereotype- widely held but fixed oversimplified idea about a certain type of person or thing

Countertype- something that aims to go against its stereotype (i.e. black president of America)

Example: Sarah Connor

In the first terminator movie, Sarah is shown as timid and clumsy. She is a stereotypical waitress in the first movie, which being a fast pace and stressful environment, highlights these attributes by showing her in confrontations with customers.

While in the second movie, she is shown as very Countertypical compared to her first appearance. she is portrayed as an action heroine, showing her confidently handling guns. as well as this, her outfit now reflects her new role in the movie.

Trainspotting representation :

  1. who is doing the representation?- Danny Bo
  2. Who is being represented?- Drug addicts, Scottish lower class and men
  3. what social groups are omitted from representations?- non-white people. women are underrepresented. children
  4. what messages about particular social groups are being convicted?- Drug addicts are being shown in a very negative light and are shown to be reliant on them
  5. which characters or social groups have power within the representations?- men and the people who supply drugs to people
  6. do the characters adhere to or challenge stereotypes?- i feel they adhere to stereotypes about people who are addicted to drugs
  7. what do representations tell audiences about society at the time the film was made and/or set?- showing the underside of Edinburgh to audiences

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