Verisimilitude– the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of being real.
Social Realism– It is showing a realistic representation on what life was like at that moment in time. E.G- Making a WW2 film as accurate as possible. -Saving Private Ryan
Magic Realism– E.G- Harry Potter
Hyperreality– A film set in the future with amazing technology. E.G- The Matrix
Iconography– Iconography simply refers to the pattern of signs we associate with a particular genre. An obvious example would be the combination of futuristic costumes, props, and settings in science-fiction films.
Intertextual Referencing– it’s where a movie overlaps with another work of film. -Family Guy
Visual/ Sound motifs in film– Objects, colours, shapes, settings.
James Bond
Colour Grading– digital tools or photochemical processes are used to make videos or films look better or change the colour tone and mood.
Auteur Trademarks– A reference (character, an angle a theme) that is recurrent to the directors work. E.G- Tim Burton
Pathos, or the appeal to emotion, means to persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel.
Bathos, Anticlimactic ending. Expecting something but gets something else.
Suspense, a sequence leading up to a jump scare. Tension within the scene.
Comedy, professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.
Dramatic irony, occurs when the audience knows something that the characters don’t. E.G, When the Jaws music plays we know the shark is near.
Distancing Effect, Reminding the audience that you are watching a film. Breaking the 3rd wall in the film E.G, Narration, Deadpool when he speaks to the audience.
Postmodern Humour, when a comedy presents an undeceived view of life.