- using more impressive vocab/phrases such as ;
- ‘connate’
- ‘within the films diagetics’
- ‘encourage to sympathise’
- ‘This suggests to the spectator that’
Diegetic definition – Any sound or things that come from the world of the film for example the sound of doors slamming and isn’t added after like music.
Cathartic effect definition – Its an emotional experiences that the audiences goes through while watching a specific movie / scene e.g. feeling sad at the movie UP
reframing definition – when the camera angle is changed without using a cut in order to change the focus of the scene
connote definition – To signify or suggest something in addition to the original point
Throughout Joker, cinematography is used effectively to create a sense of chaos within the film’s diegetic world. This is particularly evident in the scene towards the end of the film where Arthur is shown in a low- angle, close-up looking out of the police car window and reacting with glee at the riots taking place around him. Here, the camera is used to position the spectator as not only connecting with Arthur, but now looking up to him. This suggests to the spectator that the tables have turned and Arthur, who was earlier depicted as pathetic and sad, is now depicted as powerful and heroic. This “reframing” of the central character” has a potentially cathartic effect on the spectator who has, up until this point, been encouraged to sympathise with Arthur’s point of view as a victim of circumstance. The deliberate and stylised use of this slow-motion reaction shot, enables the spectator to get a sense of poetic justice being served: Arthur is now on his way to prison.