
This happens right at the beginning of the movie where montage is taken place. It shows lots of different things happening at the time of the film (1980s). The music is upbeat reggae music by ‘Toots & The Maytals’ this song helps represent what decade it is in.

Also at the beginning of the film there is very distinct editing as there is a montage. On average each individual clip lasts around 2-3 seconds or more depending what they are showing. In this montage they show significant things that happen in the era of the film (1980s) such as Prince Charles and Princess Diana getting married and also various different clips of the wars that had happened.

In this scene is can visually see a lot of people crowded into one room. The arrangement of the character can show the amount of importance each have or if a individual character is talking so the main focus will be on them. In this cause Woody is talking in this shot, the mis-en-scene shows he’s most important.

This extreme longshot captures Shaun at the beach. This shot signifies to the audience he is isolated on the beach and seems so alone. The audience could feel a sense of nurturing for Shaun as in the previous shots he is seen enjoying his own company, but the extreme long shot shows that the whole day he had been alone.