
All aspects of film form including narrative contribute to the representations of cultures and societies (gender, ethnicity and age) including ideology nature of those representations.

An ideology is a set of beliefs.





Facial Expression

Body Language

A stereotype is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing.

Countertype: The opposite to a stereotype. The ideas of breaking away from a stereotype. Like when we think of an American president we think of a white man. You could think of a black man instead. Think of a different angle.

A stereotype within Terminator 1 is how Sarah Connor is seen to be a waitress with no passion within her life. She is stereotyped as a weak character within the first movie.

In Terminator 2 Sarah Connor is a countertype to herself within Terminator 1 as she is depicted to be fully in control of herself and went from a waitress to be comfortable around guns. She is countertypeed to her original self.

Representation in Trainspotting

1.WHO IS DOING THE REPRESENTATION? The main Characters – Renton, Spud, Sick Boy, Tommy and Robert.

1.WHO IS BEING REPRESENTED ? The Scottish poor and minority who live within the worst parts of Scotland. Also people who are addicted to drugs and their life depends on the next hit.

2.WHAT SOCIAL GROUPS ARE OMITTED FROM THE REPRESENTATIONS? Low class people addicted to drugs and have no aspiration in life.

3.WHAT MESSAGES ABOUT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS ARE BEING CONVEYED? The message of the movie is almost an advert on why you should not do drugs and the consequences of these drugs.

4.WHICH CHARACTERS OR SOCIAL GROUPS HAVE POWER WITHIN THE REPRESENTATIONS? The “Mother Superio” who supplies the drugs has power because everyone on heroin comes to him.

Young People

In Trainspotting young people are presented as being trapped in a dull and hopeless society. Not once do you see a cheery young person. They are always depicted as trying to escape the area. Danny Boyle makes young people to be low as they are drinking, taking drugs and running from the law in this movie.

Older People

Older people are seen in the movie as either loving couples with out of control children or drug addicts who are seen to only be looking for trouble.


The whole film is almost an advert on not to do drugs. It shows the most horrible scenes which are based on real events. The drugs dens are scummy and disgusting and the addicts are presented as not caring, only caring on the next hit of the drug.

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