Moonlight camera shots, angles and movement

Camera Shots

Side, Low Angle

This is shot from a slightly low angle, and from the side, you can see both of them. It almost creates a parallel possibly showing there similarly. 

Eye level  

The camera shows Chiron at eye level, this was used possibly to show his feelings and emotions clearly, while being over the shoulder of Kevin to almost see it from Kevin’s viewpoint. 


This shows the people Chiron is intimidated by at a higher level showing the possible fear that he has looking down at theme, the main one of the groups is also facing the direction of the camera showing the fear from Chiron.  

Shot Distance  


A character looking down the Lense of the camera, breaks the fourth wall. This creates a personal effect for the viewer. You’re looking at him in the eyes, showing the personal moment that is happening now. This also shows the dramatic moment that is about to happen and the intensity of the moment. 


Having the camera this dances away from the character shows a powerful effect having the character looking off into the distance. This creates a dramatic scene possibly showing the reflection of the character. 


Shooting far away from the character possibly signifies loneliness having a large space around the character creates the effect of isolation within the character  

Camera Movements

Track out – Track in 

The Camrea starts from viewing Chiron from a distance on the field, then slowly tracks into him. This could represent to the viewer the disconnect he feels from the over children playing. The camera’s focus is him, and he stands unlike the over kids. The movement shows the following of Chiron.  

Ped Up – Ped Down 

The camera moves from showing Juan tom slowly moving down to Chiron, this could show the relationship between the two characters and how it is starting on Jaun higher up could show how Chiron looks up to him.  

Pan Left – Pan Right  

The camera moves to show both sides of Chiron in this scene as well as moving the composition to show Juan and how Chiron reacts in the same moment. This also shows the connection between the two 

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