New Hollywood

What is meant by the term ‘New Hollywood’?

New Hollywood refers to the shift in the preferences of Americans, this became more prominent at the end of the 1950s and beginning of the 60s when most Americans already owned TVs meaning cinema audiences significantly decreased and so did the youth’s interest in what the film studios were making at the time.

new Hollywood films, directors and stars

Cleopatra (1963)directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz, starring Elizabeth Taylor

Easy Rider (1969), directed by Dennis Hopper, starring Peter Fonda & Dennis Hopper

The Godfather (1972), directed by Francis Ford Copolla, starring Marlon Brando

Bonnie & Clyde (1967), directed by Arthur Penn, starring Warren Beatty & Faye Dunaway

What events were taking place in America around the period identified as the New Hollywood era of cinema?

The ‘New Hollywood’ era spanned between 1960 and 1980, not only did technology advance by a lot during this period (the invention of TVs became more and more popular) but America also:

  • witnessed 3 assassinations of public figures within the span of 5 years, John F. Kennedy (1963), Malcom X (1965) and Martin Luther King (1968)
  • the ‘Civil Rights’ movement was put into place (1954-1968), this aimed for legalised racial segregation, discrimination and hate crimes towards black people to be stopped
  • from 1959 through to 1973, American soldiers were being sent to help out in the Vietnam war but Americans did not agree with this happening as they wanted to decrease the spreading of communism for soviet powers
  • Richard Nixon (president at the time) was involved in a huge scandal called the ‘Watergate’ and as he was being found guilty, he was the one and only president so far who has had to

the influence of ‘French New Wave’

What is meant by the cinematic term ‘French New Wave’?

This term refers to what is considered the most influential era of film making where French films became more and more popular in America as this movement’s impact is still seen in various films today, spanning from the late 50s through to the late 60s. Young film makers wanted to rebel against the Old Hollywood style which was seen as out dated and the younger generation were rejecting the traditional plots and techniques. ‘French New Wave’ films would typically feature elements such as the use of natural lighting, realistic looking and simplistic sets due to the low budgets some films had because of the money crisis after WW2, improvisation from actors and some starring in films were not even actors. Taking a break from traditional filmmaking also became more popular as well as experimenting, leading directors to get inspired by each other’s techniques.

What specific stylistic and structural elements are present in ‘French New Wave’ Films?

  • location shooting
  • handheld camerawork (documentary aesthetic)
  • deemphasised plot
  • improvised dialogue
  • direct sound
  • using the lighting available on location when not filmed in a studio setting
  • the use of jump cuts over focusing on the continuity (condensing time, creating montages, snappier and more abrupt looking)
  • democratisation of cinema as anyone could pick up a camera and make their own films
  • voice-overs
  • breaking the forth wall
  • rapid and sudden mood changes

Which directors and films from the ‘French New Wave’ influenced Arthur Penn as he was making ‘Bonnie & Clyde’?

Arthur was not heavily influenced by the films ‘Jules at Jim’ (1962) and ‘Shoot The Pianist’ (1960) but also by other film directors such as Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut who helped and supported Penn in the making of ‘Bonnie and Clyde’. Robert Benton and David Newman who were ‘French New Wave’ fanatics themselves approached Arthur regarding directing the film themselves but Penn turned down their offer.

Bonnie & Clyde scenes which enhance the ‘French New Wave’ style:

deemphasized plot

This film is immensely iconic and well-known due to its abrupt ending. After following the love arc between Bonnie and Clyde, they both just die at the end. This was very sudden and unexpected because it is presumed that most viewers expected and wanted a typical happy ending for them however the ending of this film exceeded everyone’s expectations which is a very common ‘French New Wave’ feature as it moves away from the classical Hollywood style.

location shooting

Due to the lower budges of film makers during this period especially ones who were just starting out, it was very difficult to build or even rent out a whole sound stage and set therefore film makers resulted to filming on location. This wasn’t only much cheaper and accessible but it also conveyed a sense of realism and made them become more believable.

hand held camera work

Film makers started moving away from using camera stands or dollies especially because they were harder to to move around or even get a hold of in the first place if the budget of the film was not particularly high. They started filming while holding the camera as it was much easier to follow the actors moving around in some specific scenes but it also gave the viewer the illusion that they were somewhat actually in the film themselves as it mad everything seem more life-like and natural.

New Hollywood film style

How did New Hollywood directors such as Arthur Penn approach film narratives?

Penn was directly influenced by the French New Wave movement and other directors practicing this style of film such as Truffaut who helped perfect the style Bonnie & Clyde is filmed in. This film did not have a lot of focus on one specific plot but rather focused of the character arcs and having multiple subplots with a de-emphasized plot at the end which significantly derived from the Classical Hollywood style many were used to.

What is discontinuity editing?

Discontinuity editing refers to an editing technique which became more and more popular due to the French New Wave. This is when the flow of the editing didn’t follow a specific pattern which necessarily made sense therefore ruining the continuous flow of the film, this gave films a more modern and retro style and it’s aim was to bring the viewer’s attention to specific sots and scenes.

Why is this time in film production sometimes referred to as “The Rise of Auteurs” in Hollywood?

Many famous film makers across the world started their career during this time as the Hollywood Studio System had its infamous collapse which meant that there was now more space and a bigger audience for smaller film companies and directors. Due this, new film makers such as Penn for example had the freedom of creating whatever style and genre of film they wanted which is what many others did therefore, creating their own recognisable style and being referred to as Auteurs which basically means that they are like the authors of the film.

What is the lasting impact of the New Hollywood style on modern films?

Due to the New Hollywood movement, film makes introduced more graphic content and much more sensitive topics within their films such as sexuality and racism as well as conveying their own styles which had a massive impact on the overall look of films today, this includes editing the colouring of films to be brighter colours and give a sense of realism and enthusiasm.

New Hollywood/Bonnie and Clyde

What is meant by the term New Hollywood? (Consider how this links to the decline of the Hollywood Studio System of the Golden Age) 

After the decline within Hollywood studio system because of tv, new Hollywood was introduced. when the golden age of Hollywood was around it was all about the gangster films, however they became out dated and that’s why tv became more popular. New Hollywood was introduced, it is all about new and young movie producers creating new movements.

Name some of the films, directors and stars from this period. 


Shelley Duvall

Al Pacino


Taxi Driver-1967

The Graduate-1967


Billy Wilder

Alfred Hitchcock

What events were taking place in America around the period identified as the New Hollywood era of cinema?

  • The Cold War
  • Arms race
  • Vietnam War
  • Civil rights movement

The influence Of French New Wave 

•What is meant by the cinematic term French New Wave?

French new wave is a film movement that started in 1950s-1960s. reject the traditional style of old Hollywood film making/mainstream cinema. It is a youthful movement with young people who are passionate about film. Truffaut and Godard were film critics and decided to act on their own critiques themselves. French new wave focuses on the auteur (author in French) to get credits instead of the studio (e.g. warner brothers). working with low budgets as there are financial restrains of post ww2 France.

•What specific stylistic and structural elements are present in French New Wave Films?

  • Dialogue was often improvised.
  • Jump cuts (jump in time) camera does not move, rather than continuity editing (forgetting edits are happening because they flow).
  • Location shooting, not using built set, this allows to get 360 shots and not having to move around sets.
  • Handheld cameras (will have a feeling of a documentary eques style)
  • Breaking 4th wall (actively engaging with the audience, actor looking down the camera)
  • Fast paced music
  • Natural lighting
  • Deemphasised plot (not particular plot is being followed, does not tell story in chronological order, beginning, middle, end. could start with the end first).
  • Use armature actors or people who have never acted before to get a sense of realism (they would improvise dialogue)

•Which directors and films from the French New Wave influenced Arthur Penn as he was making Bonnie and Clyde? Why do you think this was the case?

Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut influenced Arthur Penn when he was making Bonnie and Clyde. Mood changes very quickly. Blue grass music, banjo it is fast paced.

•Identify at least 2 scenes from Bonnie and Clyde where stylistic links are created with French New Wave cinema and say why this was the case.

This scene helps to show an attribute of French new wave, it includes natural lighting and natural weather (you can see the wind blowing in Bonnies Hair.

This happen sat the beginning of the film and vividly represents the unique jump cuts of the French new waves.

New Hollywood Style

  1. How did New Hollywood directors like Penn approach film narratives.
    New Hollywood director were heavily influenced by the French New Wave directors such as Truffaut and Godard, they both came up with an interesting new way of editing and presenting a film. Penn was influenced by the feature of having a de-emphasised plot, Bonnie and Clyde represent this very well.
  2. What is discontinuity editing?
    Discontinuity editing is when the audience visually notices a cut, because something about the cut calls attention to itself and it does not feel natural and seamless.
  3. Why is this time in film production sometimes referred to as “The Rise of the Auteurs” in Hollywood?
    At this time in the film production it can be referred as “The Rise of the Auteurs” because this is when directors started to have their own distinct, original features. The word ‘Auteur/s’ translates author, Truffaut was one of the first people to be called this. He was a film critic and stated that films weren’t creative enough and they all started to look the same. This started a wave of new directors and discovering New Hollywood.

4.What is the lasting impact of the New Hollywood style on modern films?
The impact of New Hollywood has stuck closely with modern day films. Still to these days some directors are very individual so they stand out E.g Wes Anderson who is Ian own for is unique colour grading, bright colours.

French New Wave + New Hollywood

New Hollywood refers to the era of film that came after the collapse of the studio system in the 1960s. Americans films around this era started to become “meaningless”, and younger audiences began gravitating towards foreign films instead. Additionally, in many American film studios a lot of “flops” were being produced- commercial failures that did not produce money- some examples being “Cleopatra” and “Hello Dolly”. This may have been because the films were no longer relevant to a younger audience, and they were demanding different things… the studios were becoming out of touch. Finally, the habit of ‘going to the cinema’ had been broken due to the mass production of televisions across American households.  

Some key aspects in New Hollywood is the use of handheld cameras, unconventional angles, and naturalistic lighting which contribute to making the films feel authentic, as if the viewer is there. Additionally, there is a naturalistic acting style.

Films in New Hollywood

Easy Rider, Dennis Hopper (1969)

The Graduate, Mike Nichols (1967)

Point Blank, John Boorman (1967)

Cleopatra, Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1963)

The most prominent stars and directors in this era widely varies. Firstly, for directors, the less known ones would include Mike Nichols, John Schlesinger, Tobe Hooper and Sidney Lumet, however some more famous directors that rose to prominence around this era include Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and George Lucas.

And for some stars in the New Hollywood era, there is:

Warren Beatty

Candice Bergen

Harrison Ford

And Karen Black

New Hollywood- History and Context

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War, (1954–75), was a conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam, known as the Viet Cong against the government of South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States.

However, this led to many protests at home for hundreds of thousands young and educated Americans across the US, as they did not like the US’ involvement in the war.

Riots in the Ghettos

The term ghetto riots, also termed ghetto rebellions, race riots, or negro riots refers to a period of widespread urban unrest and riots across the United States in the mid-to-late 1960s, largely fuelled by racial tensions and frustrations with ongoing discrimination, even after the passage of major Civil Rights.

Political assassinations

In this era there were many political assassinations. The most major though, was of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) in the 1960s. The others being those of Robert F. Kennedy (1968), Malcolm X (1965), and Martin Luther King Jr. (1968).

There also a lot of political disgrace.

1969 to 1972 – Richard Nixon (A US republican). Had to resign while holding the post due to being behind an ordeal where he ordered his henchman to plant bugs in the offices of other candidates running for office.   

USA Counterculture 

This was an anti-establishment cultural phenomenon and political movement that developed in the United States during the mid-20th century. It began in the early 1960s, and continued through the early 1970s. These people concerned themselves with individual equality for the younger generation which included gender identity and opposing the Vietnam war.  

The influence of French New Wave

The French New Wave was a film movement from the 1950s and 60s by a lot of young and inspired French directors and one of the most influential in cinema history.

 It gave birth to a new kind of cinema that was highly self-aware and revolutionary to mainstream filmmaking. It is a rejection of the old, American way of making films.

Some directors, like the well-known Goddard and Truffaut actually began as film critics before their directorial debut. They were passionate about the art of film and wanted to bring in their own ideas. They believed that films had lost their ability to capture true human emotion and “lacked sincerity.”

Some other notable directors from this new wave of cinema included Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, Eric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette, Louis Malle, Alain Resnais, Agnes Varda, and Jacques Demy.

They are also not making films just for the sake of money, in fact a majority of the films were very low-budget. This was due to low funds because of the financial restraints from World War 2. And with a “cheap digital camera”, everyone can make a film- this was referred to as democratisation of cinema.

Some stylistic elements

  • Deemphasized plot & dialogue was often improvised
  • Jump cuts rather than continuity editing
  • Location shooting – not building it
  • Handheld cameras – gives a sense of a documentary aesthetic
  • Long takes
  • Direct sound & available light (live recordings, often didn’t adjust light)
  • Natural light – “shooting 360 degrees in space”
  • A lot of voiceovers
  • Using “non actors”- people who have never acted before

Bonnie and Clyde’s director, Arthur Penn, was even inspired by Truffaut. He was particular inspired by Truffaut’s “Jules and Jim”.

New Hollywood Style

  • New Hollywood directors like Arthur Penn approached film narratives with a fresh, unconventional style that broke away from the traditional, studio-driven storytelling of classic Hollywood. They used non-linear storytelling, anti-heroes, natural dialogue and improvisation, genre subversion as well as tragic conclusions.
  • Discontinuity editing is an editing style that is the opposite of classical editing. It is known for it very specific techniques in which the director would use an arrangement of shots that are out of place, confusing or just non-sensical in comparison to the traditional style of narrative. The main techniques include: jump cuts, temporal ellipses, repeating and abstract shots.
  • New Hollywood was often referred to as the “rise of auteurs” because it marked a period in American cinema where directors had creative control over their films. This shift was influenced by the French concept of auteur theory, which argued that the director is the primary creative force behind a film.
  • In the modern age, filmmakers still follow the influence of New Hollywood, making movies that are both artistic and exciting. Whether in independent films, streaming movies, or big franchises, the spirit of New Hollywood still shapes how stories are told today. Stuff like bold storytelling, realistic characters, and new ways of mixing genres together.

New Hollywood

1.) What is meant by the term New Hollywood?

New Hollywood is an American film movement that took place in the mid 1960s to the early 1980s, where a new generation of filmmakers came to prominence. It had been influenced by Italian Neo-Realism and often featured taboo characteristics such as morally ambiguous characters, violence and antiauthoritarian sentiments.

2.) Name four of the films, directors and stars from this period


The Graduate (Nichols, 1967)
The Wild Bunch (Peckinpah, 1969)
Easy Rider (Hopper, 1969)
The Godfather (Coppola, 1972)


Francis Ford Coppola
Martin Scorsese
Steven Spielberg
Ridley Scott


Shelley Duvall
Olivia Newton-John
Al Pacino
Sylvester Stallone

3.) What events were taking place in America and elsewhere in the world around the period identified as the New Hollywood era of cinema?

  • The Cold War
  • Arms race
  • Vietnam War
  • Civil rights movement

French New Wave

1.) What is meant by the cinematic term French New Wave?

A cinematic movement that took place from the late 1950s (1958) to the late 1960s. The theory associated with French New Wave believed that rather than have films accredited towards the producers and actors, that the author or ‘auteur’ should be the director, and therefore the driving force towards the creativity by creating a visual style specific to them. This would be applicable to their body of work, and audiences should be able to recognise director’s work immediately. It broke away from traditional filmmaking, after French director Francois Truffaut wrote an article criticising its lack of creativity. This prompted the beginning of the movement, which featured new techniques such as handheld cameras which gave a documentary aesthetic and jump cuts, as well as different storytelling styles.

2.) What specific stylistic and structural elements are present in French New Wave films?

French New Wave films typically featured natural light, non-actors, improvisation and natural sets stemming from the low budget environment that was the result of the poor post Second World War economies. In terms of techniques, handheld cameras gave the iconic, more naturalistic style of typical French New Wave films. Jump cuts, inspired by Jean-Luc Godard, were popular within the movement and influenced other directors to break away from the traditional way of filmmaking, even breaking through into mainstream films.

3.) Which directors and films from the French New Wave influenced Arthur Penn as he was making Bonnie and Clyde?

  • Penn was heavily influenced by the French New Wave directors Francois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard and their innovative and unconventional techniques.
  • The jarring nature of the straight cuts used frequently in Bonnie and Clyde were not at all typical of Hollywood film at the time, and is considered to be inspired by Truffaut’s The 400 Blows (1959).
  • Bonnie and Clyde was influenced by Truffaut and his de-emphasised plots, with the film being almost more of a character study rather than being plot driven.
  • French New Wave films were often shot on location to enhance the films’ realism and depth, which inspired Penn to also shoot most of Bonnie and Clyde on location.
  • A theme of French New Wave films was to include music, which is used often throughout Bonnie and Clyde, specifically when they are being chased by the police or driving from a crime scene.

4.) Identify 3 scenes from Bonnie and Clyde where stylistic links are created with French New Wave cinema and why was this the case?

The opening scene of Bonnie and Clyde demonstrate the iconic jump cuts that are archetypal of the French New Wave style, coined by Godard.

A significant amount of Bonnie and Clyde was shot on location, which was common among the low budget French New Wave style. A lot of the film was noticeably set outside, apart from when the Barrel Gang were hiding out or robbing banks, which makes the shooting on location easier for Penn.

The use of a handheld camera in this opening scene is reminiscent of the French New Wave style, as it allows for the fluid and spontaneous movement of the camera.

New Hollywood Style

1.) How did New Hollywood directors like Penn approach his film narratives?
Penn was directly influenced by French New Wave directors such as Truffaut, which helped to shape the style he used for Bonnie and Clyde. Notably, the narrative in Bonnie and Clyde is very much de-emphasised, with the film not following much of a plot and feeling more like a character study rather than a plot heavy film, which strayed far away from the Classic Hollywood storytelling style. This is influenced by the French New Wave style of non-linear storytelling.

2.) What is discontinuity editing?
Discontinuity editing is a style of editing which ruins the continuous flow, with an emphasis on showing the difference between shots. This style of editing has the goal of drawing attention to a particular shot, scene or sound.

3.) Why is this time in film production sometimes referred to as “The Rise of the Auteurs” in Hollywood?
This time in film production can sometimes be referred to that way due to the rise in directors having their own distinct style. The word ‘auteur’ meaning ‘author’ was first used to describe filmmakers by Francis Truffaut, who had been criticising films at the time for not being creative. He suggested that audiences should be able to recognise a directors’ work immediately, which soon prompted a wave of filmmakers to join this movement. This style quickly found its way to America and into the ‘New Hollywood’ style.

4.) What is the lasting impact of the New Hollywood style on modern films?
Since the New Hollywood movement, directors have become far more involved in influencing the looks and overall style of their films. Furthermore, the ‘Auteur Theory’ can be seen in directors of the modern day, such as Wes Anderson.

As well as this, the rebellious plots and rise in graphic content led to the fall of the Hays Code, a strict set of rules designed to censor ‘immoral’ content and restrict what can be shown on screen.

Bonnie and Clyde


Warren Beatty – Clyde Barrow

Warren made his debut as a tortured teenager opposite Natalie Wood in Splendour in the Grass in 1967. He played a lot of drama, mystery and crime roles, in movies such as Bugsy, The parallax View.

Faye Dunaway – Bonnie Parker

Her career began in the early 1960s on Broadway. She made her screen debut in 1967 in the Happening, the same year she mad Hurry Sundown with an all – star cast, and rose to fame with her portrayal of outlaw Bonnie Parker. She played many role of the female lead in romantic films and also crime fiction. She was mainly unknown before starring in the film Bonnie and Clyde.

Michael J. Pollard – C.W. Moss

Pollard was unknown before his fascinating entry in Bonnie and Clyde, bringing his squint and grin to the part of C.W Moss. He gained a cult following, usually portraying quirky, off beat, simplistic but likeable supporting characters. He played in our movies such as The Wild Angels, Hannibal Brooks.

Gene Hackman – Buck Barrow

For much of 1960s, Hackman was playing small roles on television shows. It wasn’t until his turn as Clyde Barrow’s Older brother in 1967’s Bonnie and Clyde, his first big movie role, that hackman began to really embody a movie star. He starred in roles which contained drama, dark comedy and thriller.

Estelle Parsons – Blanche

During the 1960s, Parsons became known her career on Broadway becoming a movie actress. She is best know for her roles in the movie Bonnie and Clyde, Rachel, Rachel and I never sang for my Father.

Denver Pyle – Frank Hamer

He first screen credit came in 1947, when he landed a small role in the high sea adventure “devil Ship” He worked steadily throughout the 1950s, appearing in the Western anthology series “Frontier” and on the popular family series “My Friend Flicka.” Although he acted primarily in western and crime television dramas.

Dub Taylor – Ivan Moss

Taylor made his film debut in 1938 as the cheerful ex – football captain Ed Carmichael in Frank Capra’s You can’t Take it With you. During 1950s and early 1960s, he used his xylophone skills on several televisions show.

Gene Wilder – Eugene Gizzard

He began his career on stage, and made his screen debut in an episode of the tv series The play of The Week in 1961. His first role was that of a hostage in the 1967 motion picture Bonnie and Clyde. He is best know for his role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Mise En Scene

– During New Hollywood there where many low budget film. Meaning that many sets where natural environment and place where there was no need for major change. During Bonnie and Clyde many scene where filmed in location that where realistic and verisimilitude for people creating a positive atmosphere for people from that time period.

– Most sets where filmed in Texas, as Bonnie and Clyde where from Texas. however the built sets where built in the Warner Brother Studio in California. The sets that where built looked realistic do the time and where built to look like other location in Texas.


– The most iconic looks from the film, Bonnie and Clyde leaned heavily on the classics. Clyde’s pinstripe double- breasted suit was tailored to perfection, while her ribbed knit sweater, tweed pencil skirt, silk scarf and wool beret where criminally chic. The costume Faye Dunaway wore where very typical of the time period of 1950s and 1960s and the costumes where inspired by many, and was nominated for an Oscar that year for costume design. The film was made in the 1960s however was made to look like the 1940s which was when the real Bonnie and Clyde was robbing banks.

– Props where used to show the time period of the film, the type of car used was many ford enthusiasts regard it as one of the most delicate designs by ford. There was also many props used in the banks scenes where the props made the scene come to life including the use of the gun and bags when collecting money from the cash registers.


Being an action and emotional film, the editing style that was used a lot was shots of the characters gazing at each other, this was used by Penn to make the audience sympathise with them. Jump cuts used inspired by the French New wave directors like Jean-LucGdard and Francois Truffaut show Penn’s film school background. Use of shot-reverse-shot in the diner conversation the simplistic editing and use of close ups encourages the audience to focus on the dynamic between the characters as Clyde is revealed to be insightful and intuitive. The editing was more visible editing.The opening scene of Bonnie and Clyde uses mainly close up shots of the Bonnie. There are no establishing shots used in the opening scene. However, we can gather information from many props in the scene. The fist shot is an extreme close up, then pans to her in a mirror. Then there is a cut and shows a medium shot of her shoulders and up. When she is on her bed the shot is used to make her feel trapped and mimics the way you would feel trapped in jail. At times in the film, the shots are very unconventional and inspired by French new wave however sometimes does included editing from classical Hollywood which is important to the story.


Every time the group makes a quick getaway, a chorus of Banjo music, a Bluegrass song called “foggy mountain breakdown” begins to play that evokes time from the Great Depression. The music is quick and light- hearted, and even when the plot has been dramatic, the folksy music makes the scene feel more humours, comic and upbeat. This recurring motif suggests to the audience that to Bonnie and Clyde and their components, crime is all a mater of fun and games. . A score is used when Bonnie and Clyde are driving away from their first robbery. The music is a fast – paced tune played by Banjo. However the lack of music during the actual Robbery scenes lends them a sense of realism.

The mood changes from the banjo style music which shows a comic and humorous tone, to no music where Frank Hamer, who is hunting for Bonnie and Clyde, which shows the seriousness and the change in atmosphere going on. We can tell from the stop in music that something bad might happen.

Sound Bridge – is when a sound is played from scene to another scene. Dede Allen ( editor of Bonnie and Clyde) was an innovator of the Sound Bridge and they get used a lot in the film.

Foley Sound ( diegetic sound ) – The shootouts are typically loud and violent and the loudness of the sound effect is deliberate, and is very elevated for the audience and makes the audience aware of the scene.


Very diverse shot types, varying pace and discontinuity edits – the lack of clear patterns convey the unpredictability of New
Hollywood and the film’s protagonists. Inspired by Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai for the closing scene of the film. Influenced by convention challenging French New Wave directors. Truffaut even made contributes to the script. There was a lot of verisimilitude location and costumes which felt very comfortable for the audience of that generation.


Class – Bonnie and Clyde support the working classes throughout e.g. encouraging the evicted Otis Harris to shoot at the bank sign, letting the man in the bank robbery keep his own money.
People of Colour

Women – Bonnie Parker starts the film feeling trapped and almost as if she is in jail and she doesn’t have much of a life, the extreme close up on her lips almost sexualises her and suggest this film will explore her identity, persona and characteristics. However, throughout the film Bonnie’s persona changes and becomes one of villainess protagonist go against her identity at eh start. Other than the start of the film Bonnie become comfortable with Clyde and shows her brave self off. She challenges the traditional Femme Fatal as she is the one rescuing other people and she is not in the need for rescuing by men, although she breaks taboo of the time by initiating intimacy with Clyde.
Blanche who is Buck’s wife is shown as being more vulnerable and a more realistic version of a Femme Fatal, who need constant reassuring and rescuing by the other gang members.

Men – Clyde is being represented as a strong male character. Clyde is represented as being a forerunners. Clyde helps Bonnie to show herself and others who she really is and who she wants to become, and not what other people want her to be. Clyde’s impotence, ‘I ain’t much of a lover boy”, was also a taboo subject and challenged stereotypes of the masculine virile hero.
C.W Moss importance to the plot of the film and to the gang in general is that he is loyal and idiocy. C.W moss is seen as being like a five year old kids for example parallel parking during one of the bank robbery scenes. When he finds out that Bonnie and Clyde would be killed he looks at them with great amount of sorrow and it shows he cares for them and he has a good heart.

Political and Social Context

The film was released at a time of social unrest in America when people, particularly the young, were challenging the government’s role in the Vietnam war, there were race riots
and a large counterculture developing. The film’s anti-authority message reflected this.
the 1950s was a decade marked by the post World war ll boom, the dawn of the cold war and civils right movement in the united states.
The story of Bonnie and Clyde, the notorious twosome who went on a viscous crime spree during the Great Depression was retooled to reflect the turbulent late 1960s society. Bonnie and Clyde’s anarchic rebellion resonated with a society in the midst of intense Vietnam war and civils right protests.

New Hollywood/Bonnie and Clyde

First Response

Rating /10 Why?  Memorable Scene  
7/10 I really enjoyed the movie; I found that the pace worked an interesting level that you could personally feel the frantic energy of being on the run just by watching it. The Ending was also a very interesting point as throughout the movie you knew that they would be found but it was unexpected at that point.  My most memorable scene would be when they first meet as the movie goes from quite a relaxed environment of Bonnie following Clyde around the town, too suddenly bank robberies and action this really shocked me and stood out.  

French New Wave

What is meant by the cinematic term French New Wave?

French New Wave 1958-1960s

New Wave was a film movement from the 50s the movement was known for breaking the traditional filmmaking conventions. The term came from film critics who turned into the leading directors of the era. This was a rejection of classical Hollywood film making

What specific stylistic and structural elements are present in French new wave films?

Directors had a Auteur on each of their films. Previously to this the movie was recognized by the stars or studio which made the film. In the new wave each director took control of their movie and put their own distinctive twist on it.

Selection of music was used that matches the tone of the movie and added emotion at vital moments

Directors had low budgets, however this is what made the movies so creative traditional movie rules were broken such as filming on location and natural light. This made film accessible for everyone to create

As they were filming on location this meant that they often used non professional actors and used people in the location this created a sense of realism.

Film was used a medium to express peoples emotions.

Which directors and films from the French new wave influenced Arthur Penn a he was making bonnie and Clyde? why do you think this was the case?

His main influences were Francois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard. This was due to their style and knowledge of the new movement. The new movement and especially Jean-Luc Godard gave him the advice and inspiration to create something new. Godard experimented with jump cuts and location work which Penn went on to adapt into his movie in Bonnie and Clyde. The jump cuts where one of the first things which I noticed about Bonnie and Clyde and how it added a frantic pace into the movies nature. Francis Truffaut was best known for Gangster movies with a twist of a love story being involved which Penn used the concept for Bonnie and Clyde.

Jean-Luc Godard-

He was a French Swiss film director who came to prominence with New Wave group in France during the late 1950s and the 60s. He worked as a critic for many years before becoming a director himself. His most notible movies include:

Breathless 1960 – A Crime Drama film

Contempt 1963 – Drama/Melodrama

Pierrot le Fou 1965 – Romance/Crime

Francois Truffaut-

Francois was a French filmmaker, actor and critic, people see him as an icon of the French new wave movement. He was passionate about the Auteur theory and directors should create their own vision of the film. He made many notable films including:

The 400 Blows 1959 – Family/Drama

Jules and Jim 1962 – Romance/Comedy

Stolen Kisses 1968 – Comedy/Drama

Identify at least 3 scenes from Bonnie and Clyde where stylistic links are created with French New Wave cinema and say why this was the case.

Location shooting

All the exterior shots of the movie where filmed on location in Texas, this gives Bonnie and Clyde a good sense of reality. The new wave movement popularized this due to budget they used real locations and natural lighting

Jump cuts

The jump cuts at the beginning of the film are very apparent as bonnie moves around her bedroom, again a style used by the French new wave movement.


Some of the shots of the movie are handheld in Bonnie and Clyde which is helpful to achieve angles you couldn’t achieve on the steady cam. French new wave directors used handheld as they were easy to set up and use.

New Hollywood 1960-1990 

Bonnie and Clyde, Arthur Penn (American)  

What is meant by the term New Hollywood (Link to decline of the Hollywood Studio System)  

The term new Hollywood follows the decline of the the old Hollywood era. Tv had slowly become a stable in every American household, this led to the “habit” being broken by going to the cinema every week. The films also being made at this time didn’t resonate with the American people meaning that many “flops” happened for example Cleopatra. Young people also moved to enjoying Foreign films more, as the American studios were out of touch with the interests of the younger generation.

Name some films, directors and stars from this period. 


Francis Ford Coppola

A American director born in 1939, He has worked on a range of different movies. However he is best known for the Godfather, a series of epic gangster movies.

Martin scorsese

Martin Scorsese born 1942 is an American filmmaker. He emerged as a major figure in the New Hollywood era. He has received multiple awards for his most notable films such as Wolf of Wall Street 2013, Shutter Island 2010 and Killers of the Flower Moon 2023.

George Lucas

A American film director born 1944, he is best known for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchise.

Steven Spielberg

A filmmaker and a major figure of Hollywood, He is regarded as one of the best directors of all time. He has multiple iconic movies such as Jurassic Park, Schindlers List and War horse.


The Graduate 1967 Comedy/Drama/Romance

Mike Nichols

Easy Rider 1969 Adventure/Drama

Dennis Hopper

Midnight Cowboy 1969 Drama

John Schlesinger

The Wild Bunch 1969 Action/Adventure/drama

Sam Peckinpah


Robert De Niro

Jane Fonda

Al Pacino

Jack Nicholson

What events were taking place in America around the period identified as the New Hollywood era of cinema? 

Cold War 1991

The cold war was a period of geopolitical rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies.

Vietnam War 1955 – 1975

A conflict which pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam its principal ally, the united states.

New Hollywood and French New Wave

New Hollywood

The term New Hollywood is a movement in American film history from the mid-1960s to the 1980s.

Some of the films, directors and stars from this period are: – Jack Nicholson (Actor), Dennis Hopper (Actor, Director), Woody Allen (Actor, Director), Robert De Niro (Actor), George Lucas (Director), David Lynch (Director), ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ (1967), ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (1968), ‘Planet of The Apes’ (1968), ‘Midnight Cowboy’ (1969).

Some important cultural events that took place in America during the period of time in which the emergence of New Hollywood happened were: – The Flower Power Movement – The Vietnam War – The assassination of MLK Jr. – The assassination of JFK

The Influence of French New Wave on New Hollywood

French New Wave was a film movement in the late 1950s, which rejected the traditional conventions of Classical Hollywood film-making. The movement is seen as an embodiment of rejection and youthful rebellion and the people that are part of it are seen as innovators in the art of film. The directors who were making the films wanted the director to be seen as the main power behind the film, not the studio. This then leads to the idea of ‘auteur’ theory. The film makers within the period were working with low film budgets, due to the aftermath of WWII.

Some specific stylistic and structural elements present in French New Wave are:

Handheld cameras: Handheld cameras were used by French filmmakers as they were cheaper to get a hold of than a bigger mounted camera, like the ones that would be used in Hollywood. This would give the films a documentary aesthetic.

On location filming: French New Wave films typically filmed on natural locations, not big, constructed sets, due to their low budgets and financial constraints that the directors of these films had.

Natural Lighting: French New Wave films most of the time used natural lighting, as they were filming on location and using handheld cameras. It also meant that the films had smaller crews and that the camera could swing around 360, as there is no film crew behind that would be filmed

Deemphasized Plot: In French New Wave films, there are no clear plots and typically just follow around the events of the people within the film. If there is a plot within the film, the structure is usually messed around with, an idea presented by the director Goddard, ‘Every plot has a beginning, middle and end, its just the order in which it is told can be changed’.

The Use of Non-Actors: French New Wave directors favoured not using trained actors but rather, mainly for smaller roles, used amateur actors and people that they just found out on the street, which certainly adds to this realism aesthetic that these films have. The directors also gave the actors a lot more freedom, allowing them to improvise their own lines and just allowing to them to carry out their own actions.

Breaking the Fourth Wall: French New Wave directors used the technique of looking into the camera and breaking into the fourth wall to highlight to the audience that this a film they are watching. This may of made the audience feel quite disenfranchised towards the films.

Some directors and French New Wave techniques that influenced Arthur Penn as he was making Bonnie and Clyde were:

Fast paced music: Bonnie and Clyde uses fast paced music in the car chase scenes, which evokes this sense of humour in running away from the police, which presents this real clash of tones within the film, as one moment you’ve got this humorous car chase scene and the next you are being shown people getting shot and dying in quite a graphic way.

Costume Elements: In the famous final scene of ‘Bonnie and Clyde’, Clyde wears a pair of glasses with one lense missing. This is a direct homage to Godard debut 1960 film, ‘Breathless’, in which the main character suffers an awful fate wearing a similar pair of sunglasses with a lense missing.

Graphic Content: Bonnie and Clyde’s graphic content and scenes were too taboo for the American audience of the time, but they do have substance, and the, in some people’s opinions too grotesque, graphic content does take its influence from French New Wave films.

Intense Close-ups and Jump Cuts: In the final sequence of Bonnie and Clyde, an abrupt ending which sees our two main protagonists getting brutally murdered, director Arthur Penn has the two main protagonists look at each other in a series of match cuts, which closer towards the characters face, which, in my opinion, shows to the audience the deep love and personal connection these two characters have. This technique is once again used in Goddard’s debut ‘Breathless’, in which he uses jump cuts to also show the intimacy between the two main characters.

New Hollywood Style

Penn and other New Hollywood directors approached narratives by placing an uncommon emphasis on irresolution, particularly at the moment of climax or in epilogues, when more conventional Hollywood movies busy themselves tying up loose ends. They also hindered on narrative linearity and momentum and scuttled their potential to generate suspense and excitement.

Discontinuity editing is when the audience visually notices a cut, because something about the cut calls attention to itself and it does not feel natural and seamless.

This period of time in film production is known as ‘The Rise of Auteurs’ because directors were influenced by this French New Wave ideology that directors should be the ‘stars’ of film production and that they should have their own distinct styles and far much more control over the creation and the elements of their films for them to stand out.

The lasting impact of the New Hollywood style on modern day films is that it has allowed directors to have a much greater role in creating their films rather than the studio having all the power and telling the directors what to make. It’s also allowed for more graphic content to be shown in films, as the ‘Hayes’ code, which forbid things such as nudity, sex and drugs to be shown in films, was replaced with the MPAA film rating system in 1968.

French New Wave

French New Wave – 1958 to 1960s

  • When American director took ideas and inspired by from French film makers. French New wave filmmakers explored new approaches to editing, visual style, and narrative, as well as the engagement with the social and political upheavals of the era. The movement was characterised by its rejection of traditional filmmaking conventions in favour of experimentation and a spirit of iconoclasm. Rejection of mainstream or old Hollywood film conventions. Working with low budgets as they are working with the end of WW2
  • Specific stylistic and structure Elements:
    – The auteur style – The auteur theory holds that the director is the “author” of their movies, with a personal signature visible from film to film.
    – Low Budget – natural lighting used, and natural set design using the most of the surroundings near by. There was many tight budgeting in the 1950s – 1960s when filmmaking so on location sets meant that the filmmakers are spending less money.
    – visual style – The cinematic stylings of the French New Wave brought a fresh look to the cinema with improvised dialogue, rapid changes of scene, and shots that broke the common 180 degrees axis of camera movement. In many films of the French – New Wave, the camera was used not to mesmerize the audience with elaborate narrative and illusory images, but rather to play with audience expectations. They used hand held camera which makes it feel like its a documentary style.
    – Experimentation – The French New wave is characterised by its innovative techniques, bold experimentation, and rejection of traditional cinema conventions. Directors employed unconventional editing techniques such as jump cuts and discontinuous narratives, creating a sense of spontaneity and subjectivity in their films.
  • Directors and Films from the French New wave that influenced Arthur Penn as he was making Bonnie and Clyde ?
    – Jump cuts used inspired by the French New wave directors like Jean-LucGdard and Francois Truffaut show Penn’s film school background. Use of the bluegrass song foggy Mountain Breakdown by Earl Scruggs and Lester Flatt keeps the tone light during crime scenes lending a comedic tone to some moments. Bonnie and Clyde used a lot of music which was a lot of Banjo music
  • Three moment from Bonnie and Clyde that depict the French New Wave?
    – The opening credits, depicting period photographs accompanied by the sound of the camera clicks suggestive of gun shots.
    – The films boldly original framing, employing windows, glass and mirrors as recurring visual motifs.

New Hollywood

New Hollywood – It was a movement in American film history from the mid – 1960s to the early 1980s, when a new generation of filmmakers came to prominence. They influenced the types of film produced, their production and marketing and the way the major studios approached filmmaking.

Four films from New Hollywood

– Bonnie and Clyde

– The graduate

– Rosemary’s Baby

– Night of the Living Dead

Four Directors from New Hollywood

– Steven Spielberg

– John Milius

– Christopher Nolan

– Martin Scorsese

Four Stars from New Hollywood

– Max Von Sydow

– Shelley Winters

– Walter Matthau

– Robert Shaw

What events where taking place in America and elsewhere in the world around the period identified as the New Hollywood Era of cinema ?
The civils Right movement – equal rights for African Americans and for an end to racial segregation and exclusion , and the escalation of the Vietnam war.

New Hollywood Style

  • How did New Hollywood directors like Penn approach film narrative?
    – Filmmakers of the New Hollywood era embraced innovative and experimental visual style. The use of Handheld camera, unconventional angles and naturalistic lighting contributed to the immersive and authentic feel of the film, which made visual storytelling a crucial aspect of the new wave film.
  • What is discontinuity editing?
    – when the audience visually notices a cut, because something about the cut calls attention to itself and it does not feel natural or seamless.
  • The rise of the Auteurs in Hollywood?
    – New Hollywood is often known as the rise of the Auteurs as it as the beginning of when many films where being made by the same directors which meant you could tell the visual style and the differences in the directors. “It was a rallying cry for director as artists to say ” we can influence what these movies are.”
  • What is the lasting impact of the New Hollywood style of modern films?
    – While the era eventually gave way to the blockbuster-dominated landscape of the 1980s, its impact on filmmaking techniques, narrative structures, and thematic exploration remains profound. The New Hollywood movement demonstrated that commercially successful films could also be artistically daring and socially relevant.