Pan’s Labyrinth First Response

Score – 9/10

A memorable scene for me is when Ofelia first meets the Faun, since it is the first time in the film we see any kind of ‘magical’ character, with the dark lighting making it harder for the audience to interpret what the Faun’s intentions are and the performance adding a sense of believability that it is an ancient creature.

An iconic shot from the film is that of the Captain dying infront of the resistance members, since it creates an oppositional image from the rest of the film, in which the Captain maintained power and killed resistance members.

Iconic shot in Pans labyrinth

i chose this as my iconic shot because it showed how much they really did love each other and they use each other for safety, this summed up the film for me because it really set an opinion on Ofelia and that even though she was going to leave to the afterlife she still had a bond with her mother that cannot be broken.

Pan’s Labyrinth First Response

Score – I would give this film an 9/10 because I thought the plot was really creative and I was very drawn into it a lot of the time, however I do think some of the ending was a bit unexplained (as in what happened to Mercedes and the others) which is why I rated it less than a 10.

Memorable scene

This scene was the most memorable for me because this was the moment Ofelia and us as the audience realised how powerful the magic was and how it affected the mother.

Pans Labyrinth first response

i would give the film a 8/10 being a memorable story with with great mise en scene in terms of practical effects in the creatures and location. A memorable scene would be when the girl is being chased by the eye hand monster as it had a huge sense of tension and suspense.

iconic shot:

This shot sums up the film showing off the magical elements of the labyrinth and the sense of mystery as it repeats at the beginning and end coming full circle as well as showing the dark tone of the film being covered in blood.

Pans Labyrinth- most memorable scene

my most memorable scene was near the end when Ofelia decides to not sacrifice her brother just to become a princess, it was very memorable because it showed how much she would do for her family.

i thought the dim lighting and the dull weather really set the mood of what was happening and it made us all feel the same way Ofelia is feeling in that moment

Pans labyrinth first response

Overall I am giving the film a 7/10, I thought that the plot was intriguinging and hooking and featured a lot of creative ideas. An iconic scene for me is the scene with the pale man as it shows the horror elements of the film well. The practical effects used in the films for creatures like the faun and the pale man were very well done. However the ending felt rushed and ended too quickly and unsatisfying.

How Iconic Movie Monster “The Pale Man ...

300 word analysis – ONE MINUTE FILM

 The film that inspired me on my one-minute film is The Rats/ Las Ratas. What I really liked about The Rats was the narrative and how they constructed the links between the waitress and the customer, whom she’s always wanted to get revenge on for killing her close family member. I think the use of space in this short film was very creative and inspired me to use a wide range of location shots, such as in the film they were switching from the diner to the kitchen quite frequently. I would say what I didn’t like about the film was the abrupt ending as it left us with a lot of unanswered questions, however it is very similar to what I have done in my script as I have left quite a few elements out, such as why Alice seems to dislike Kacy and now has her called ‘Traitor’ on her phone, as well as the abrupt ending I used here too, as I thought it would leave a more open ending, that leads the audience to be able to answer the questions, similar to what ‘The Rats’ had done. Another element that inspired my one-minute short film was the cinematography. I think Las Ratas had excellent costumes, make up and set design, that all connected to the way the shots were taken and the space and location used, creates quite an altogether creative space, to add more plot and narrative to it and so on. In the narrative structure, I took the rat poisoning and the betrayal element of this short film, as I thought it was very well displayed and creates quite a good plot to work with. I also think the lighting of the scenes in Las Ratas was creative, as it kind of linked to the issues faced during the scene and the characters portrayed within them. For example, they used a green tinted kitchen with big bright lighting to create a sort of clinical effect and give the impression that the cook was mentally ill and sick, perhaps sick of her job as displayed in the short film. I also liked how they used composition; the interior design was put together well, as it seems relaxing and aesthetic, turning into a gruesome murder scene at the end.  


*Alice looks at picture frame of her and Kacy and looks hurt*  

*Alice Texts Kacy who is named ‘TRAITOR’ on her phone and says ‘hey wanna come round and we can cook something?’ then looks up and camera focuses on packet labelled rat poison with Alice blurred in the background behind the rat poison* 

*Camera change to Kacy’s home, she gets a message on her phone and looks at it, camera shows the message on her phone* 

*Kacy replies ‘yes I’ll be round in 10’, gets up, puts coat on and leaves the house* 

*Camera shows keys that Kacy grabs zoomed in* 

*Alice watches out her window for Kacy, Kacy approaches Alice’s door and Alice runs and opens door before Kacy even knocks* 

Kacy – *appears shocked door opened so quick* You must be eager to cook.  

Alice – Of course *Alice invites her in, Kacy throws her coat down and throws shoes off* *Alice picks it up as she follows her in, looking annoyed* 

*Alice and Kacy are cooking, while Alice scowls at her* 

Alice – hey can you, uh … *tries to think of an excuse to get Kacy away for a second* Can you check the door, I think I heard someone knocking. 

Kacy – *looks suspicious* yeah sure *leaves kitchen* 

*Alice grabs rat poison and throws it in the mixture on the stove* 

*Kacy opens the door and sees no one, then shrugs and closes door* 

*Alice hears door so quickly puts back poison* 

Kacy – You need your hearing checked. There was no one there. 

Alice – Yeah, was probably next door, my mistake.  

*Later, Alice plates up, she watches carefully to make sure Kacy eats the poisoned food* 

Kacy – *eating it quickly* This is delicious. I’ve really outdone myself. You not eating any? 

Alice – We both made that Kacy, and yeah, I am eating it. *Picks up fork and pretends to start on the pasta* 

*Just when Alice is about to eat the pasta, Kacy’s head drops, the camera is focusing on Kacy’s head dropping and then the camera focuses on Alice smiling in the background*