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favourite movie soundtrack

my favourite movie soundtrack is probably predator from 1987. it was composed by Alan Silvestri. Silvestri based the score around a bed of various percussions, as well as using motifs to give it a human feel, as well as give the characters more depth.

The reason why i like it is because it is unique, giving the film a unique feel. it also simply fits in well with the military style, as well as having some ominous undertones as well as mysterious sound

Favourite Film Soundtrack – George Blake

My favourite films soundtrack is from Spider-Man into the Spider verse, made in 2018 it was directed by Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman and Bob Persichetti.

This is because the use of a shepherd’s tone in the establishing scene creates an immersive build up to suspense of Spider-Mans eventual reveal, it is creatively done by the composer Daniel Pemberton.

Another example of Pemberton’s work on the the film can be seen with the ‘Prowlers theme’, because the character is an ominous figure, Pemberton used distorted elephant noises to create a siren effect that acts as a Leitmotif to whenever he is present.

Another seen is the use of a sound bridge of both orchestral and jukebox music to create a connection to the hero, Miles’ personality and identity to himself and the role as Spider-Man. By merging the score “Mile’s theme” and the song “what’s up danger” by black caviar and Blackway it creates an intense comeuppance of his new found confidence for the power and responsibility he has been given.

My Favourite Movie Score

Nope’s (Jordan Peele, 2022) soundtrack, composed by Michael Abels. The music has a strong presence in songs like The Run to build energy for an incredulous scene, whilst songs like Making The Trap are very gentle, low themes to give a sense of the slow and tedious act of making the plan. Pursuit has very intense, slow music to make an incredibly tense and grand ending. Overall, the music is great, exhibits the feelings of each scene incredibly well, knows when to bow out and be silent, and also pays respect to a lot of genres that inspire it / it has links to (like some cowboy-ish whistling and stings as an ode to the Western genre).

Favourite Film Soundtrack (Sound Activity 7)

My favourite film soundtrack is Ludwig Göransson’s score for Creed (2015), directed by Ryan Coogler

This is my favourite film score because the composer takes elements from William Conti’s original Rocky score and mixes them with newer elements, symbolising the ‘passing of the torch’ from Rocky to Adonis, as well as reinforcing the legacy of Rocky’s character.

sound activity 7

karate kid (1984) john G.aildsen is my favourite movie soundtrack, as it makes good use of the songs for different scenes are used very well, like in the montage, the use of the song “you’re the best around” was very good and fit well for the montage

Sound activity 7

Guardians of the Galaxy. this is my favourite film soundtrack as it makes good use of needle drops as all the licensed songs are what the main character, Peter, listens to on his music player and is a big part of his character. It also creates its own triumphant music.

favourite film soundtrack- coco

i like the film parent trap because it has some really good soundtracks, they use the same song throughout most of the movie in different parts of the twins.

another movie with a good soundtrack is the musical Chicago because it has some really good songs. the songs are really fit for the scene.


Sound editor and a sound mixer

Sound mixer

A crew member who records and balances audio for a film

Sound editor

A crew member responsible for selecting and assembling sound recordings.

Diegetic and Non Diegetic sound

A diegetic sound is a sound that comes naturally from the film such as rain and character dialog.

Non diegetic sound is a sound that is not natural to the film such as a soundtrack or narration.

what is a needle drop moment?

A needle drop moment is when music is synchronised with another work such as tv show a film.

sounds made by a foley artist

Some sounds that may be made by foley artists are skulls or bones being crushed, footsteps, bodies falling and windows or doors opening.


Some examples of films that use a leitmotif include Harry Potter with Hedwig’s theme, James Bond with the main theme and Jaws.


Narration is a spoken description of an event or the soundtrack. A sound the characters can’t hear.

16/10/23 Sound Blog Posting

Activity 1: A sound editor is someone who produces sounds to make sure all dialogue and sound is matched and appropriate for the picture.

A sound mixer is someone who combines sounds to create a whole sound that is best for what picture is shown, like changing levels of layering sound

Activity 2: Diegetic sound in ‘Shaun of the Dead’ is used such as the TV, we know this as the characters react to what is being told on the TV.

Non Diegetic sound in ‘Shaun of the Dead’ is used such as the music when the two characters are attempting to kill the zombies. They can hear this but only we can as it brings more verisimilitude (since the characters wouldn’t have music playing out of nowhere in the real world) and intensifies the emotions displayed.

Activity 3: A needle drop is when a song (made before the film, usually a well known song) is used in a scene. This usually helps us feel how the character is feeling during this moment.

Activity 4: A Foley artist could create sound for animal noises, leaves crunching or eating.

Activity 5: The main theme in all James Bond films use a leitmotif to create a recognisable identity for James Bond, making us resonate and create a liking to this character

Activity 6: Fight Club uses narration that only the audience can hear however this isn’t always reliable. This is used in fight club to create chaos and to help the audience understand what the protagonist is going through during moments of insomnia and DID.

Activity 7: my favourite film soundtrack is Suicide Squad (2016) by James Gunn and David Ayer as they use quite a few old songs that I resonate with personally, but it also gives an authentic feel to the rising action which makes me feel as if I’m one of the characters. It helps give uniqueness to individual characters such as Harley Quinn when she is locked up in a cell. This is a jukebox soundtrack