photo 1- ground level, close up, adventure
photo 2- medium shot, action, Dutch angle
photo 1- ground level, close up, adventure
photo 2- medium shot, action, Dutch angle
cinematography– the art and technology of motion-picture photography. the composition of a scene the lighting with filters and angles, for effect of the scene.
cinematographer– they manage the shots set up and try to get the right visuals of the scene, they might block different elements of shooting in advance.
the difference between a cinematographer and a director- a director oversees the overall composition of each scene and how it fits into the final film. a cinematographer typically leads the camera crew of what angles and lighting to use.
this angle is a eye level shot so it almost is like you are with them. the shot size in this scene is a medium shot so u can see slot of their body but it isn’t far away. the camera movement is a pan left to pan right movement its moving with him but also circling him.
this image is a medium close up of them with the waves being just below his shoulders, and its at eye level and a little bit of a low shot because of the water. the camera and lens movement is a crab left to crab right.
the shot size of this scene is a long shot and it remains like that the whole time he is walking through the school. the shot angle of this walking scene is at eye level, almost like we should see him like that if we were walking towards him. the camera lens movement of this moment is a pan left to pan right movement as he walks through the school.
the shot size in this scene is a close up through this whole scene. the shot angle during this moment in the film was a eye level shot as he looks in the mirror. there isnt really a camera lens movement in this scene as its only on his face.
memorable scene- my most memorable scene was when Little and Juan were in the sea and Juan was teaching Little how to swim in the sea. i really liked this scene as it really showed hoe much Little actually trusted Juan and how he was comfortable around him to go into the water with him when he knows he cant swim. I thought this had a really big impact on the rest of the movie as it showed their relationship they had with each other.
Score – 7/10
Memorable Scene – The fight scene was my most memorable scene. This was when Kevin gets told by the bully’s to fight Chiron, and despite Chiron’s and Kevin’s friendship, he still continues to beat him multiple times. This scene made me, as an audience member, feel empathy for Chiron and vexed from the bully’s.
Overall i would give this film a 7/10, The camerawork, acting and pacing were all good, and the story was great, the writing allows the viewer to sympathize with the characters, the most memorable scene for me was when Chiron was swimming with Juan, as the camerawork was unique
Overall I would give the movie a 6/10. The pacing, camerawork and acting were good quality. However I thought the story and message it was trying to give was un engaging. The story’s third section was hard to follow and I didn’t really understand it. The best scene of the movie was when Shyrone hits the bully with a chair. I thought it was significant as it is when Shyrone changes and we can see that later on when he becomes more strong and we see that through other characters reactions.
I would give this film an 8/10.
One scene that I really enjoyed was when Chiron was telling Juan about his negative relationship with his mother. This is because this is a very open, revealing, and intimate scene. This is supposed to make the audience awkward as they talk about topics of homophobia, as when Chiron asks Juan if he’s the homophobic slur, the scene had a deafening silence with a lot of impact. It becomes clear that Chiron’s mother is nothing like the family that Juan and Samantha are to him right now. It creates a lot of emotion, and doesn’t need elaborate effects or camera shots, but just the raw emotion that the characters bring to the scene.