Expository – documentaries that aim to inform audiences of a specific topic from a certain perspective/POV. E.G. ‘An Inconvenient Truth‘ (2006, directed by Davis Guggenheim)

Reflexive – documentaries in which the filmmaker documents/records themselves in order to build a relationship with the audience so that their point is clearly made and understood. E.G. ‘Man With A Movie Camera‘ (1929, directed by Dziga Vertov)

Poetic – counter typical documentaries that emphasise images over narration in order to create a story through visuals. E.G. ‘Sans Soleil‘ (1983, directed by Chris Marker)

Participatory – Documentaries in which the filmmaker is included in the film and directly interacts with the subjects of the documentary. E.G. ‘Sherman’s March‘ (1986, directed by Ross McElwee)

Observational – Documentaries that aim to film realistic, everyday life without interference. E.G. ‘The War Room‘ (1993, directed by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker)

Performative – Filmmakers involving themselves in the events of the documentaries in order to find subjective truths. E.G. ‘Michael Moore in Trumpland‘ (2016, directed by Michael Moore)

Mockumentary – A fictional film that is presented as a documentary for comedic purposes, often to comment on current events. E.G. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016, directed by Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone)