moonlight: just because someone is a criminal doesn’t necessarily make them a bad person.
Joker: people can be cruel to those less fortunate, and lack empathy for them
moonlight: just because someone is a criminal doesn’t necessarily make them a bad person.
Joker: people can be cruel to those less fortunate, and lack empathy for them
propps spheres of action show 7 different character types for a film to have being hero, villian, the false hero, the princess, the helper, the donor the wise man, the father
Levi-strauss binary oppositions is the idea that the majority of narratives in media forms such as books and film contain opposing main characters.
a theory which suggests that a story goes in three parts, starting with an equilibrium, which is then disturbed, which is then solved
narrative – The structure of a film, going from beginning to middle to end following a plot and story which unfold
rhythmic montage: First Girlfriend tydus music video
metric editing: Whiplash (2014)
tonal editing: UP (2009)
the opening of up uses tonal editing to show an emotional journey the main character goes through
Dura Lex
two German expressionist directors are Fritz Lang and Robert Wiene.
two Russian constructivism directors are Lev Kuleshov and Dziga Vertov
two German expressionist films are “M” and “While the city sleeps”
two Russian constructivism movies were “by the law” and “enthusiasm”
buster Keaton Charlie Chaplin and harold lloyd were all Hollywood stars and directors, who were famous for their comedy films, they were influential because they all did things dramatically, and innovated ways to perform with silent films
some examples of films they made were “The Great Dictator” by charlie chaplin, it was a propaganda film during ww2 used to mock hitler.
another example is saftey last! starring hard lloyd, it was influencial for the risky stunt done by harold in which was extremely risky.
an example of a buster keaton film is the general, a film about the civil war.