All posts by Lily Pitman



2/10/23 Moonlight First Response

scoring: 8/10

In my opinion, the scene starting at 28:57 was the most memorable scene as it is completely silent, yet so much is said. It starts with a medium long shot depicting Little, then cuts to another one of Littles mother. This then cuts to Little once again, however in a medium shot, cutting back to his mother. His mother screams ‘Don’t look at me!’ but we do not hear this.

This stands out as this is the only non-audible scene in the movie, but there is also a repeated sequence of shot distances shown. This directs our focus on two different subjects/characters, which correlate to each other as they exchange communication. Pink light is also representative of his mothers hatred and danger towards Little. Overall i find these points make this scene deep and emotional.

6/10/23 Cinematography Definitions week 4

Cinematography is the composition of a scene that creates emotion and meaning by using angles, movement and distance from shots.

Cinematographer is the person who is responsible for producing these compositions so the audience is most satisfied

This is different to a director as a director organises the overall films production so the company receives best recognition.

15/9/23 Joker First Response

Score 8/10

The most memorable scene(s) I found were the stair scenes. The first stair scene pictures Arthur slowly walking up the tall stairs in his hometown, which in my opinion selfishly degrades him . In contrast, the second stair scene we see Arthur dressed in bright colours as a clown, with face paint on. This time he is dancing down the stairs, which indicates to me that he has taken power now, and embraced his unfortunate life.