All posts by Harry Berry
1 minute film task production notes
The short film was filmed on the 18th of November at around 12:30pm, it was Me and Freddie Rowland at the film location being two of the characters and Osien Martian foley voiced another character at a later date. I’m glad with how the footage came out with the limited equipment we had and I like how I was able to experiment with the different camera angles some in the script and some improvised on the spot as well as parts of the plot. Though some props were used I could have improved the mise en scene as the lighting and setting could have been better for my story.
This is England representation
Young people:
Through the character of Shawn. Young people are portrayed as vulnerable being easily manipulated by the wrong people. As he went from an innocent boy to a racist by Combo using his dead dad to convince him.
Older people:
Older people in This is England are presented as parental figures to the character Shawn however this is shown in different ways. example his mother being the stereotypical parent while Woody and Combo are a lot more harsh and manly supporting Shawn in other parts of his life filling in for his missing father.
English people:
English people within the film are seen as divided socially and politically. This can be seen through the first film where Shawn’s first interactions with English people is him being mocked for his trousers. As well as the scene in the car where Combo gets angry at one of the passengers when he disagrees with his political beliefs.
Asian/black people:
Minorities are portrayed as unfairly treated within the film. This can be shown by the scene where a group of Indians are threatened with a dagger for just playing football. as well as when Combo and Milky bond over music showing that the racism is unnecessary and un deserved.
Men are portrayed stereotypically in this film being overly aggressive and tough. However the film makes effort to show how they are pressured to be this way when Combo tells Shawn that “real men don’t cry” presenting a problem with toxic masculinity.
Women in this movie are side-lined not getting as much development as the male characters. This could be intentional however as young boys are more likely to join theses types of groups than young girls being a movie more addressed to a male audience and their issues.
This is England micro elements
mise en scene:
When Shawn joins Combos side. This scene uses a darkly lit dirty alleyway which portrays the dark turn of the movie and the seriousness of what Shawn has gotten into.

In the ending scene CU shots of Shawn are used to show how he feels betrayed and is used to connect to the viewer to send a message about how harmful racism can be.

Sound is used in many ways to set the tone of the movie. Firstly needle drops of iconic English songs are used to immerse the audience in the setting. As well as a piano track that plays during the football and ending scene which gives a sad tone furthering the serious message to the viewer.
In the beginning of the film. A montage is used to introduce the time period and place showing both the good and bad sides of England setting up the political conflict that has a big role in the film.

This is England first response
I would give the movie a 6/10. I felt it had some very hard hitting powerful scenes and portrayed the message of anti racism very well. My favourite scene being the one between combo and milky right before he is beaten as there was a very extreme sense of tension, good acting and good cinematography.

1 minute film task preproduction

Location: my house
equipment: camera(i phone), props(baseball bat, doughnut box), costumes(postman costume)
cast: character1: me, character2: Osien Martian foley, postman: Freddie Rowland
filmdates: Saturday 18th November and Sunday 19th 1-2 pm
shot list: LS, MS, high angle shot, canted angle, worm eye shot, BCU, dolly shot, POV shot

Trainspotting representation
Young people:
In the movie, young people are presented as more than irresponsible people who don’t care about life. As the main character Renton attempts to get off drugs as well as spud trying to get a job to earn more money. However they are still portrayed as ignorant as Rentons methods for getting clean are still harmful like taking other types of drugs. Therefore breaking the serteotype a little bit but still needs guidance.

Older people:
Older people are presented more traditionally in this film being more responsible and mature. Example Rentons parents know what is best for him and takes the correct action to get him off drugs.

The character of Diane breaks the stereotype of women being over ruled by men in the film. This can be seen by how she has the upper hand over Renton by threating to call the police having a higher sense of power than women are traditionally portrayed to have by having control over him.

Men in this movie are mostly stereotypical as almost all of the male characters have many masculine qualities. As seen through the the character Begbie who is overly aggressive constantly picking fights over small arguments.

In the movie. Addicts are shown to be seen sympathetically showing how getting over an addiction can be extremely challenging and how quickly their life can fall apart through their struggle. Example when sick boys baby dies. He is shown to be very upset over it showing how drugs have negatively impacted his life but still struggles to quit giving a wider view on how addicts really feel.

Scottish people:
In Trainspotting. The people of Scotland are portrayed as lower class compared to the rest of the world. This is seen by how the main chapter Renton sees England as a place for better opportunities as he moves there for a better job and at the end of the film. This is also seen in his rant about how much he hates being Scottish being less well off because of it.

trainspotting micro elements
mise en scene:
In the toilet scene, set design is used to create a dirty, disgusting and dark atmosphere that displays how awful his life has got to where he he has lost all standards through drug addiction.

At the beginning and end of the movie. A contrasting narration is given showing his progression throughout the film. In the beginning he lists many things that the average person does in life in an ill mannered tone showing how he sees life as a burden that he would rather escape through drugs. At the end he gives a similar narration but in a more optimistic tone once he’s clean. Showing how he ready to live a normal life and is excited to try new things.
In this scene. Where he is hallucinating after going off drugs. A canted angle is used to show his paranoia as he sees people he knows through visions and realizes how much he negatively effected them.

In the opening scene, many different scene are edited together in a montage to introduce Renton’s life. The first being him and his friends running off showing how his life is chaotic. The other being them playing football showing how close they all are. And finally Renton by himself smoking showing how he can feel lonely through his addiction.

Trainspotting first response
I would give this movie a 7/10. I felt that it does a really good job of portraying the struggles of drug addiction and how it can effect you and close ones. I thought some of the more vulgar scene were important to drive the movies message but some I felt were needlessly shocking like the main characters relations with an underage girl. A scene that stuck out to me was the part where he goes back to the drugs after promising he would stop as it shows how conflicted he feels and how hard it is to stop.

representation tasks
stereotype: a widely held often harmful belief about a wide group of people or thing.
countertype: representing positive features of a wide group of people often challenging stereotypes.