- MGM, Warner bros, Paramount, Fox, RKO
- vertical integration: when a company controls different stages of the supply chain. block booking: selling multiple movies at once to a theatre at once.
All posts by Harry Berry
Preproduction task 2 shot list

The birth of Hollywood questions(1900-1930)
- because the location of Hollywood had more consistent weather for filming
- actors: Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks directors: D.W Griffith, Fritz Lang pictures: The gold rush, city lights
- The main 5 studios controlled all aspect of film production
- The Jazz singer was the first film to have sound.
- some actors voice didn’t match with the character they were playing.
- some events in this time include the wall street crash and great depression
Preproduction task 1 script breakdown

30 second film
Trainspotting and This is England aesthetics

30 second film pre production
Film schedule:
Location: saint Catherine’s woods.
Equipment: props, camera(i phone)
Date: Saturday 9th December 11 am
Cast: me, Freddie, Ocien and Josh

Shane Meadows

Aesthetics definitions
Verisimilitude: how realistic and/or true something apperars.
social realism: realistic portrayals of ordinary life within art.
magic realism: When a realistic narrative is combined with magic elements.
hyper reality: a depiction of real life in an exaggerated and striking manner.
Iconography: visual images and symbols used in art that has a meaning attached to it.
Intertextual Referencing: when one text is used and shaped within another text.
Visual/ Sound motifs: sound and visuals that are used within a movie attached to a character or place.
Colour Grading: when colour tones are applied to raw footage in post production.
Auteur Trademarks: when a director implements their own style within a movie through visuals or sound.
Pathos: a quality that evokes pity or sadness.
Bathos: a type of anti-climax where the mood is suddenly changed.
Suspense: a feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty.
Comedy: something made with the intension to make the audience laugh.
Dramatic irony: When the audience knows something the character doesn’t.
distancing effect: to distance the audience from the story by reminding them that its fake using camera work.
Postmodern Humour: comedy linked to more serious and taboo topics.
Iconic shots task

This is England: