the fine art movement was a style of art that rejected stylish decorative art and used simple shapes and materials instead. this art was a type of propaganda for soviet socialism.
Explain how the political, social and economic upheaval created by the aftermath of both the Russian revolution and WW1 affected the production and content of classic soviet constructivist cinema?
The Russian Revolution was a time of change in the Russia it started in 1917. as the bolshevist over threw the Russian empire and monarchy. the bolscovits developed a socialist government that was corrupt and unfair n the Russian citizens
soviet cinema was run by the government in 1917-1953 most films made were censored and checked by the government before release due to the communist society in command. Due to most films being propaganda at the time.
men: men are represented in bonnie and Clyde through Clyde and other characters. Men are presented as braver in the film and this is evident by the fact that they end up being the ones who end up doing the killing and being more physical (like when Clyde wrestles the warden into a boat).
women: bonnie does not follow the typical stereotype that would have followed women at the time this is seen in the fact that she has the same level of authority in the film and often makes her own decisions. at the time this film was set women had a lower status then men but this is not seen here
authority figures: In the film authority figures are made a mockery. the most prominent example of this being the park ranger who they take pictures with then throw into a river. However this is only is the first part of the film. in the second half the authorities are presented much differently as they end up questioning a member of the barrow gang
people of colour: in the film people of colour are not seen much however they are seen to be on the same level as the people he works with baring in mind America was still very racially separate at the time the film was set
working class people: in the film an example of a working class person would be CW Moss who when we first see him is an amateur mechanic.
tone: in bonnie and Clyde the tone is mostly light hearted and comical. this is until the final 20 minutes of the film where the police start to close in on the barrow gang and end up killing bonnie and Clyde at the end. the final scene uses quick cuts back and fourth between bonne and Clyde as they know they are finished. the tone changes from light and funny to suspenseful and gory
realism: the films realism comes through the ending of the film where bonnie and Clyde get shot by the firing squad. the use off blood bags make the film more realistic as it makes the audience think they the people getting shot were real people. it also helps the film was based on a true story
visual style: they use of tracking shots and large panning shot fits the French new wave style
an example of some German expressionist films would be
metropolis directed by fritz Lang
warming shadows directed by Arthur Robinson
an example of some Russian expressionist films would be
battleship Potemkin directed by Sergei einetenstein
Kino-eye directed by dzigia bertov
in bonnie and Clyde editing is used for comedy and effect. in this scene the barrow gang steal someone’s car so they go and chase them. the jump cuts back to the couple as there reactions change from them chasing the car in anger to driving away from the car in horror when they realise they have guns. the directors are clever in the final shot of this scene as it is the same shot of the couple but they are in a car with everyone else as they have been caught.
Buster Keaton was a comical director and actor who was known for doing stunts as part of his comical and slapstick genre. He was known for having a deadpan facial expression that would make his reactions even more funny.
Charlie Chaplin was an English actor and director. He was most famous in the silent film era and in most of his movies he played a character called the tramp. This would appeal to the audience as they were mostly working class to so this could be relatable and funny
Harold Lloyd was an American actor and director. her was famous in the silent era and acted in both silent films and talkies. Harold Lloyd was known for his glasses which made him look nerdy. However he would prove everyone wrong by doing dangerous stunts such as climbing a building.
buster Keaton stared is films such as the cameraman
Charlie Chaplin starred in films such as the great dictator
Harold Lloyd starred in films such as the freshman
1 why did the hub of film production move from the east coast to Hollywood
to escape the financial charges of Thomas Edison’s adventures
2 what nations film industry did cousins describe as the best in the world in 1910
Denmark and Sweden used natural light that was nice to record on camera. this was lighting that you couldn’t get anywhere else. and the lack of censorship film writers more creative freedom.
3. 2 film and 2 directors that cousins said were remarkable.
Benjamin Christiansen filmed Haksan witchcraft.
Victor Sjostrom filmed the phantom carriage
4 who directed birth of a nation in 1913
d.w Griffith directed birth of a nation in 1913. it was contrerversial because of its racist views about black characters
1 What was the name of the first film made by the Lumiere brothers and when was this?
Workers leaving the Lumiere factory in 1895
2 what is the phantom ride
an early genre of films showing vehicles moving forward. they were filmed by strapping a camera to the front of a vehicle
3 what was the sick kitten and life of an American fireman
the sick kitten made use of close ups and camera work. the American fireman used editing
4. who was the first Hollywood actor
Florence Lawrence