Hollywood Studio System Questions

1) What were the Big 5 studios & what type of movies was each studio famous for? – MGM/Metro Goldwyn Mayer (The Wizard of Oz), RKO (Citizen Kane), 20th Century Fox (Miracle on 34th Street), Warner Bros (Casablanca), Paramount ( A Farewell to Arms)

2) Explain what vertical integration and block-booking was? – When a media company controls two or more key stages of the release of their product.

•3) Why and when did the original studio system collapse? – The ‘block booking’ system (selling multiple films to cinemas as one unit) was killed in court, where it was also suggested that studio-theatre monopiles should be dismantled.

•4) What was happening in America(and around the world) at this time? – The stock market crash, the Great Depression and the events of the 2nd world war.

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