Mulholland Drive Task 3 -Lynch Auteur Elements

Uncanniness – Unsettling audiences and creating an almost frightening sense of mystery. For example, this can be seen in Mulholland Drive in the shots depicting the Hollywood executives watching on from an almost empty, darkened room.

Use of doppelgangers – Based on German myth around how people will one day meet someone that shares their exact appearance. This can be seen in Mulholland Drive with two characters sharing actors, such as Diane and Betty.

Ominous sound design – The likes of backing tracks that make scenes more nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. This can be seen in Mulholland Drive where the sound of the old people’s laughter is loud and distorted.

Heightened Performances – Exaggerated, over the top behaviour in acting. Audiences see this with the monster scene, in which the man from the diner enters an immese state of shock and fear, so much so that he collapses.

Theme of tarnished idealism – The transformation of characters from innocent and wholesome to corrupted and against the world. ‘Betty’ is presented as an aspirational actress who comes across as friendly and positive, whereas ‘Diane’ is bitter and resorts to placing a hit on Camilla to try and make herself feel better.

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