Mulholland Drive first response

i would give the film a 6/10 i found the film fairly hard to follow and this made things confusing. The use of cinematography made some scene much more entertaining as it gave these scenes added tension. Some if the low hums were very ominous and made scenes unpredictable which is what lynch was after. i think that after watching the film a few times the film would make more sense and i would enjoy it more

my iconic scene would be the scene at the end where the old people attack. the sound was sudden and shocked me and it was a very unpredictable scene.

Mulholland Drive first response

Overall i am giving the film a 6/10. The film’s best aspect was its cinematography. This enhanced the film and made it seem offputing due to the way it was shot. A majority of the scenes were filmed with Full Shots and a still camera. The rare usage of tracking shots and cuts made the conversations seem uncofortable and heightened tenisons for the auidence.

A downside of the film was that it was extremely hard to follow. The film’s rapid changes of scenes made it hard to find out what the character arcs and conclusions actually meant. On multiple re watches I believe it will be easier to understand.

My iconic scene is the higher ups of the meeting about a directors movie. We see this deformed man with a close up shot which is designed to shock the audience.

Mulholland Drive First Response

Score – 9/10

A memorable scene for me is the one in which the blue box is unlocked and the audience are introduced to Diane, who had previously been known as Betty. This is memorable as the characters are almost complete opposites of one another, sharing the same appearance.

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Mullholland Drive (first response)

I’d give this film a 9/10.

I enjoyed the freedom it had to express itself in weird an interesting ways. The last quarter had me questioning many more things than it answered, but at the same time I felt like I could make slight links between different narrative strands and characters. The cyclical narrative especially really emphasised the different perspective needed to begin to comprehend the film.

memorable moment for me was the assignation of the screenwriter, then the assistant, then the janitor, and I think it added a comedic relief, and the juxtaposition of murder and comedy helped me to understand the unnatural feel of this scene, and the film as a whole.

Mulholland drive first response

personal rating: 6/10 liked the use of surrealism in the film as it makes the plot more unpredictable being able to go from laid back to a full on horror within the same minute having a sense of mystery that lets the audience engage with the film making their own theories.

A scene that stuck out to me the most was the ending as it had high amounts of tension as well as summing up the surrealist themes of the film being able to be interpreted in many ways.

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Mulholland Drive/ First Response – George Blake

Score – 9/10

Memorable scene

My memorable scene was this scene, just after the 2 men exit the diner, for me this is where the films surrealism really takes its affect as by having this creepy person in contrast to the rest of the films events, for me it creates that uncanny valley feeling of having a sense of discomfort in the known. As the film progress it seems to be following a normal narrative of a women who loses her memory but as it come close to the end it subverts expectations with a complete narrative change on the characters we have become accustomed too.