Kim Longinotto
Kim Longinotto makes observational film documentary’s. however she likes people to know she is filming. She tries and avoids screen time as it may distract the viewer from the messages she is trying to present. She focuses on stories of women who have been victimised by traditional societies.
Michal Moore
Michal Moore specializes in documentary’s that are personal to him. he often features in his documentaries and goes on quests to entertain his viewers and discover the truth. His documentaries are often loft wing and can be controversial to some. Moore uses comedic effect to get people to remember his movies and take home the messages he is trying to get across.
Nick Broomfield: Broomfield features in many different types of documentary however he is most known for his participatory types of documentary where he tries to uncover the truth for himself and the camera. he is often the main character and has a chaotic type of filming with the use of handheld cameras. he is not afraid to ask serious hard hitting question even if they put his own life in danger.