‘Philosophers lamp’ (1936) – Rene Magritte

‘Object’ (1936) – Meret Oppenheim
‘Philosophers lamp’ (1936) – Rene Magritte
‘Object’ (1936) – Meret Oppenheim
Rene Magritte (1936)
Max Ernst (1939)
Claude Cahun, 1927
Frida Kahlo, 1946
‘The wounded dear’
I found the video fairly odd and comedic. The use of separate shots That have no real relevance are oddly intriguing and make the viewer make links between the shots. Each shot seemed to get weirder and stranger and there was a sense of really not knowing what to expect. The scene that i will remember would be the man in the cereal bath as this caught me completely of guard. I would have to give the video a */10 for the element of surprise.
7/10 – I enjoyed watching this because it was so random and I wasn’t sure what would appear on screen next so it was entertaining, however the concept of it confuses me because of the lack of meaning, though I think they have done this so audience can interpret it themselves, which is something I quite liked about it.
A lot of this kept me on my toes, not knowing what to expect. One minute there’s a skateboard on some burgers, the next, SpongeBob is being tackled by the police. I found this very amusing, and intrigued on what to expect next, and it was quite humorous.
I would rate it 9/10.
A Memorable scene for me was the axe being thrown at the man from thin air, as the man portrays horror, however in this context of complete randomness became quite amusing. This contrast in emotions adds to the confusion and hilarity of the entire piece.
Throughout the video, I felt a sense of intrigue as to what kind of narrative was going on in each small scene (e.g. who is the horse man, why is the man sitting in a bath full of cereal etc)
A specific image that stuck with me was the guy in the spongebob outfit getting arrested due to the absurdity of the situation.
Overall I will be giving the music video a 6/10. It was hard to distinguish what the message of the video was and what it was trying to say. It featured a random collage of strange events that were showcased in a montage style editing. One thing I can credit the film for is its pacing as it never felt boring at any point.
I felt the video was comical in how random and confusing the images an example being the guy in a bath of cereal as it caught me off guard the most out of the strange imagery.
7/10 – enjoyable in that fact it has no real meaning, it makes me feel confused in a humorous way through its Very obscure images and scenes of things that happen in life being altered through surrealism. Reminds me off when AI is tasked to recreate a photograph or video where it uses known objects to substitute other things. Such as in the video where a Taco is replaced by a Bomb or in this scene where during a mugging a random human sized teddy bear acts afraid of the knife.