Kim Longinotto uses aesthetics and visual style in Sisters in Law to communicate the economic state that Cameroon is in, specifically through the use of mise-en-scene, they establish how Cameroon is an extremely under-developed country.
This especially is shows through Vera’s office, the shock factor of a very high status individual having to wok in a very ‘poor’ place really enforces the poverty of Cameroon. This is shown through how the employees use branches and alike to sweep the floor, in addition to the lack of proper cabinets and facilities in the office, instead the audience sees stacks of paper lying about, implying that the state cannot afford adequate working conditions even for extremely important jobs like prosecuting criminals.
What this achieves for the documentary as a whole, is evoking a sense of sympathy in the spectator, eliciting to Cameroons subjectively unpleasant living/working standards. therefor implementing the themes of poverty, inequality and struggle shown in the documentary.