Social Contexts – The documentary follows the judicial system in Cameroon, Central Africa. Cameroon is considered a third-world country, suffering from extreme poverty and a general sense of patriarchal reign. This could be due to its traditional values and ideas, reinforced by the fact that 69.2 percent of the population, and 20.9 Muslim. The traditional values of Cameroon shines through the treatment of women exposed in the documentary, often believed to be ‘owned’ by their husbands from sometimes as young as when a girl leaves primary school.

Production (economic) Contexts – The idea of this documentary grew from visiting Kumba Town, west Cameroon. The directors originally planned on the topic of observation being the police, but instead opted around the justice system, specifically surrounding feminist issues. The directors were supported by a non-profit media organisation called ‘women make movies’, who encourage women to learn how to make films through the various film-making workshops they run.