Social context: Sisters in law is set in Kumba Cameroon. At the time the documentary was filmed Kumba was a town in poverty and had some controversial views on how women and children were treated. For example when married women were seen as the husbands property and not a separate human. also women and children were beaten after doing something wrong and this was seen as ok at the time. The fact that both the judge and the prosecutor are women would give hope to the population of Cameroon and the rest of the world as the views of how women and children are treated are starting to change

Sisters in law was produced by Florence Ayisi and Kim Longinotto and was funded by the organization Women made movies which is a charity that promotes film made by or featuring women The inspiration for the film came from Kumba Town in West Cameroon, where Ayisi grew up. Initially, the directors planned to focus on the local police force but shifted their attention to the judicial system, highlighting the work of two women, Vera Ngassa and Beatrice Ntuba