Sisters in law questions

  1. In sisters in law, an observational form of documentary mode is used. This is done to keep the sense of verisimilitude seeing the real peoples real lives with little editing and intervention helping to connect the audience without it feeling fake.
  2. Cinema verite was a movement from France in the 1960s about using more natural unedited shots to capture the very day life. This technique is used in sister in law having the camera roll during real interactions unscripted showing the true events of Cameroon.
  3. a.)The style of cinema verite helps to empower women within the documentary sisters in law. As the footage is unedited and raw, the women are able to say what is on their mind and express themselves without a third party altering it in post production to fit an agenda.
  4. b.) Many truths are shown within the sisters in law documentary regarding the mistreatment of women in Cameroon and how powerless they are against men as seen through legal system favouring men as seen with the lawyer who was actively mocking a women for speaking out against the abuse from her husband.

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