eyewitness account – a first-hand narrative or description of an event or experience, provided by someone who directly witnessed it
expert opinion – opinions and insights from individuals with expertise in a particular product or market to make predictions about future demand
actuality footage – raw film footage of real life events, places and people, shot by an eye-witness, as opposed to fictional films which use actors, scripts and artificial sets
reconstructions – events/scenes that have happened that are reconstructed with actors
process footage/ reflexivity – when you film the making of your documentary, combining the behind the scenes footage with the documentary itself
archive/ library footage – footage that was shot for an earlier production to explain the story, like old news footage
noddy shots – a type of camera reaction shot used in recorded news or current affairs interviews, consisting of nods and similar ‘listening gestures’
infographics/ superimpositions – the placement of an image or video or text on top of an already-existing image or video, essentially visual guides to explain things to the audience
chill footage/ observational footage (fly on the wall) – forces the viewer to ‘lean-in’ to see what is happening in the scene, essentially letting the camera run to establish the scene
montage – several different items that are put together in a picture, film, or piece of music, often in an unusual combination or sequence