strike mini essay

In the six part movie we watched, Strike was a music only movie with no talking and it was also in black in white due to it being so old. the Movie was about a group of people going on strike from their work because they didn’t like how they were getting treated in the workplace so they decided to go on strike, it ends up backfiring and loads of people get killed and there is some really gory scenes, including a cow being slaughtered and bears being in distress throughout the film in all of the six parts

there was a lot of metric montage is the 4th part of the film, they decide to slaughter a cow and the form of montage they used was a metric montage. also throughout the film there was a lot of scenes where they switch from the workers to circus bears, comparing them to the bears. this montage is called a Rhythmic montage because they are being compared to the bears that are stuck in captivity.

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