The sound in City Of God create a powerful effect to the film because it adds to each scene in a way that changes or even creates an atmosphere that is useful to the event in the scene. An example of sound that’s well used to create an effective scene is Benny’s leaving party. The song ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ by Carl Douglas is played. The music creates a tense and stressful scene as Lil Ze is getting angry as he realises there is nothing to his life except violence and he begins getting jealous of everyone around him, specifically Benny as he is getting out of the slums and moving up in life to a happier beginning. When Lil Ze begins to force this guy to remove his clothes the music begins to quieten down, then it builds up again as Benny gets the camera to give to Rocket. Though when Lil Ze approaches Rocket and Benny and takes the camera off him, the music changes to a more upbeat and loud track, and the music flashes so the fighting between Lil Ze and Benny is drowned out, then Benny gets hit and the music stops, creating a dramatic finish to the sad scene, leaving Benny alone on the floor being held by Lil Ze.

Mise-en-scene in City of God can be shown in many scenes, however an example of a specific scene I would point out that shows mise-en-scene being used to create an impact on spectators is the scene towards the start where the change in living situations changes over time, so we see the development of how the house where the drug business is first created when it was more simple and the house had more of a warm tone as the drug business was created in order for the women to support her children, then leading to more suspicious business, to the most recent time shown where the house is now a dark and sketchy dealers den (not anymore a home).

The cinematography in City Of God is cleverly done in order to showcase the events that occur in a way that involves the audience and puts them into the drama. For example, a POV shot is used when Rocket watches the police deal with Lil Ze. The shot is cleverly filmed as what we as the spectators see, is the ‘camera lens’ focusing on Lil Ze, and it makes the audience feel a sense of panic because they are fearful of Lil Ze looking over.

An example of the editing element in City Of God is the scene in which the boy towards the end has just been shot in the final war and there is a big flashback shown to where he asks Lil Ze for a gun for him to shoot his fathers killer. This twist creates a big revelation of how out of hand and unsafe the war that started involving the children were, as he then shoots his fathers killer who turns out to be Knockout Ned when he kills the boys father in the bank.