Pans labyrinth Context

Technological: The creatures seen in pans labyrinth are created using minimal amounts of CGI, clever consume designs and use of a green screen. Del Toro wanted to uses minimal CGI is it would make the Creatures in the fanatical world look and move more realistically.

Historical: With the film being set in 1944 this would be set during the start of Francisco Franco’s rule as dictator of Spain. Del Toro arguably based or took inspiration from this figure when creating Capitan Vidal. Both being heavily corrupt and sexist toward certain individuals.

Francisco Franco | The Dictator's Playbook

Social: During the time pans labyrinth was set women were seen as inferior to men and were given housekeeping jobs. We se this with Mercedes and the other cooking staff and how they are all women.

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Political: The film is set a few years after the Spanish civil war in which Captain Vidal takes the role of The fascist Spanish government.

Institutional – Pan’s Labyrinth was directed by Guillermo del Toro and made a profit of 37 million dollars. this would bee regarded as a box office success

shooting schedule

Location #1 – my bedroom, opening scene with Tyler waking up and getting ready as the phone calls begin. later on in film after flashback, sequence showing Tylers mental health deteriorating

Location #2 – street in town and outside of coffee shop, Tyler walking and checking if Daisy’s at work

Location #3 – green area above Havre Des Pas, flashback scene with Tyler and daisy

location #4 – my kitchen, see dirty dishes piled up and mess everywhere

Location #5 – graveyard, Tyler putting the daisy chain on the gravestone

SceneequipmentLocationTime of day
1/4camera, lightingmy bedroom and kitchenn/a
2camera, gimbletownday
3cameragreen area Havre des pasday
5camera, gimbleGreen Street cemeterydusk

Pans Labyrinth gender representation and aesthetics

Representation of gender- In Pans Labyrinth men are represented as superior while women are represented as inferior. we see this with the relationship between Vidal and Ofelia where Vidal gives all the orders to Ofelia and other characters such as Mercedes. This presents men as dominant and superior. Ofelia and other characters follow Vidal’s orders without hesitation presenting women as inferior and powerless. This is until Mercedes rebels against Vidal cutting him and running away. This flips the power of genders as Ofelia starts to rebel against Vidal as well by stealing the baby.

Aesthetics– The use of gender status would make things more realistic as it would be relevant to the time the film was set. This is because at the time the film was set only men were sent out to battle or had roles in the army and women were seen as cleaners or cookers which is what we see here.

Shooting schedule

Location 1# – Harve des pas beach (dusk) Opening scene before montage + Maybe additional footage for montages (1)

Location #2 – Maija’s dad’s house (birds eye of Sienna) into animation (1)

Location #3 – Studio (interrogation room) talking to camera (act1) + reading letter (act3) (1)

Location #4 – The Byre – sound montage + ‘it was time for a change’ + Maddie entering/exiting in act 3, cycles off (1)

Location #5 – Virgin Mary statue outside highlands (1)

Location #6 – Playground (Fort regent) – Maddie arriving + flashback of bff’s on swings, interaction with God + running away (1-sunset 2-daytime)

Location #7 – Parade playground (just for roundabout) (1)

Location #8 – St Mary country Lane, NIGHT cycling WITH SIRENS – cut to DAY cycling (2)

Location #9 – St Peter’s Valley (Grave scene 1 (day)) delivering letter + Grave (at night) final shot. (2)

Equipment neededTime of dayLocationScene#
TripodDuskHarve des Pas1
TripodDayMaija’s dad’s house2
Tripod, projector, micN/AStudio5
Tripod, gimble, BIKE, micDayThe Byre6+10
Tripod, gimbleDayHighlands road7
Tripod, lighting equip. gimble, micSunsetPlayground (Fort Regent)8+9
GimbleSunsetPlayground (parade)9
Tripod, BIKE, torch, sirens?Night St Mary country lane 12
Tripod, BIKEDaySt Mary country lane 11
Tripod, BIKEDaySt. Peter’s Valley (field)11
Tripod, NightSt. Peter’s Valley (field)13
Scenedate of filmingProps/costume
1Friday 13th July (evening)
2Friday 13th July (day)Background of animation crayon drawing/ crayons
5Wednesday 17th JulyProjector + diff costume (future)
6Sunday 14th JulyPolaroid of bffs, oodie?
7Wednesday 17th JulyHeadphones
8summerAnnie’s costume – robe?
10Sunday 14th JulyBike + backpack?
11Sunday 14th JulyGrave – red envelope, framed picture of bffs, flowers?
12Sunday 14th July(Bike + backpack?) torch, sirens?
13Sunday 14th JulyGrave – cracked framed picture of bffs, decayed flowers?