City of God first response

I’d give this film an 8.5/10

Despite the disturbing nature of this film, I loved how eye opening it was to how a lot of other people have to live. The cinematography too was outstanding with unique handheld shots that whip the camera around to help create this sense of chaos.

My memorable scene is when Benny was murdered. The editing coincided with the rave lights, creating the sense of a lower frame rate and the shot cutting from one place to another rapidly, emphasising an unsettled feeling, preparing the tone for Benny’s death.

My iconic shot is when Lil’Dice is revealed to be going on a murder spree, with a horrific smile and laugh on his face during the montage of murders. This helps cement the type of person Lil’Ze is, and why he is so feared throughout the movie because of his twisted mindset. This twisted mindset also runs through the movie and helps audience understand the type of world these people live in.

city of god first response

Score – I would give this film an 8/10. I thought the soundtrack was really well used, and the film itself had a good narrative so it was very captivating to watch. Though I thought the start of the film took a while to get into, but when the plot started becoming more clear it was a very entertaining watch.

Memorable Scene

I chose this scene as my memorable scene, because it is a special moment for Angelica and Rocket, though this is quickly changed from a sweet gesture to the beginning of a war because it results in Benny getting shot.

City Of God First Response

Score – 10/10

A memorable scene for me is the flashback revealing that Lil Dice had escaped the motel, and became Lil Ze. Specifically, the montage depicting him shooting several people stood out, not only using elipsis to show him aging up but also connoting to the audience how much he enjoys murder and how long he had been killing people for.

An iconic shot from the film is that of Lil Ze sat by Benny’s dead body. This was significant to me as it reinforced the idea that nobody was safe from the violence in the City of God, regardless of who they were. It is also the one time that Lil Ze shows genuine emotion towards another human being, since Benny was his best friend and the two had grown up together.

City Of God first response

Overall I am rating the film a 9/10. Director Fernando Meireless does a good job of spreading the message of the film in an interesting way. The film is well paced, shot well and has exiting editing. An iconic scene for me is the scene where Lil Ze makes a kid murder another kid. The shock factor of the scene is hooking and show how far gone Lil Ze is and how the the upbringing he had affected his deranged actions now. The scenes cinematography utilizes blurring of the camera lens to show the shock the kid is going through. An iconic image for me is the final shot of the movie. It shows some kids walking down an alleyway with guns saying how their going to go kill people. This shot summarizes the whole movie as it is a loop of Lil Ze and shows the effect the city has on the younger generation.

The city of god First response

overall i think the film is a 9/10

a memorable scene would be Lil’ Ze’s reintroduction, as the use of cinematography and editing are used to show how he is different to what he was like when he was young, as before the camera would always be at a high angle facing down to him, and in his reintroduction the camera is a low angle shot facing up at him. and the editor, Daniel Rezende used montage of shots showing him firing a gun paired with the shots, creating an impactful scene.

City of God first response

personal rating: 9/10, characters were really engaging with really good use of cinematography which effectively put the audience in the perspective of the characters.

memorable scene: a memorable scene would be Benny’s death during the party, the mise en scene use of flashing lights and hand held camera movements gave a frantic feeling to the scene being impactful on the audience and the plot.

iconic image: This image is iconic to the film as it depicts a young child violently shooting a gun. This links to the rough aesthetic of the movie chaotically showing the violent upbringings in the slums.

City of God/First Response – George Blake

10/10 – I really liked this Film and found it very immersive in capturing my attention, Although scenes were fast paced, they where easy to follow and through the films non-linear structure this helped also. For me the most memorable scene was when Lil Ze teaches the runts a lesson by shooting them in the feet. This stuck with me as its intense and disturbing in nature and really contrasts to what you usually see within films we have previously studied such as Casablanca that pacify Gun violence with their dramatized panto. Through the performance of the child actors alone, this really creates the impression they have genuinely been shot and makes you feel sorry for them.

This was an iconic scene as through posters I have seen it before, it also acts as one of the few single sombre moments where characters get to experience happiness, before the reality of the City of God takes it away from them.

NEA script

The Thief Gets Finessed


The Thief

Opening shot: Luke is is his living room, frantically playing on the PS4. After much stressing and shouting, Luke’s character dies on the TV. He throws the controller down in frustration and picks up his phone. On it is a message from Zach. He clicks on the message and reads allowed:

Scene one:

Luke (reading from his phone): Yo, look at this, how much money do you think we would get if we found this? [Luke scrolls a bit] “Jewel thief escapes with priceless treasure from historical Jersey museum. Substantial reward for any information regarding the whereabouts of the thief.

[Luke rings Zach]

Luke: Man, we would be loaded if we found this! [pause] wait what? You saw what? Well lets go then! I’m bored here anyway.

Scene two:

Luke running across field with a bag and stopping in front of Zach, panting.

Zach: You took your time!

Luke: Yeh, well you try running fast when you are carrying around someone else’s stuff!

Zach: Excuses, excuses. Anyway, you said you were bringing gear?

Luke: What, you mean this gear?

Luke throws a bag down on the floor. Zach opens the bag and pulls out 2 torches, 2 headtorches, 2 sets of camo gear, 2 walkie talkies, a trowel, a map and 2 pens.

Zach: Perfect!

Luke: So come on, so what did you see then? What’s the genius plan then?

Zach: Well, here’s what I was thinking.

Zach takes the map and spreads it out on the grass between them. He then takes the pens.

Zach: So we are here, right. I was up here earlier and saw lights coming from over here [he circles a point on the map] I think the thief was trying to signal to someone to escape. So I say we head in this direction and see if we can find where he’s hiding. Then we tell the police and, boom, big fat cash prize.

Luke: I’m not sure Zach, what if one of us gets caught?

Zach: That won’t happen.

Luke: How can you be so sure? You have got no idea how this will play out.

Zach: Just trust me Luke, yeah? It’s nearly dark. This is the perfect time to strike.

Luke: Whatever you say mate, but I still don’t like it!

Scene three:

Cut to Zach and Luke in the forest where the path splits in two.

Luke: Which way now?

Zach. I don’t know man. I’ll go this way and you go that way. Remember we got our radios for communication. If you see anything then hide in the bushes and radio me. You got it?

Luke: And what if you don’t reply?

Zach: Stop worrying Luke – I’ll be there.

Luke: Err….OK got it. Well, I guess I’ll see you in a bit.

Luke and Zach salute and then split off.

Green camera shot. following Zach

Crackly radio is heard

Luke on radio: Zach? Zach? I don’t like this man, it’s getting really dark.

Zach: Stop worrying bro, we only need to find his location then get out of here!

Scene four:

Cut to Luke in the middle of the forest path, walking quietly.

Luke pings his walkie talkie.

Luke: Alpha Brava, are you OK?

Zach (on radio): Alpha Brava is doing fine. How is you?

Luke: Yeah all good my side. Just checking in.

Zach. Alright. See you soon.

Cut to Zach, looking at map. Not watching his footing

Zach: Should be around here.

Zach trips up and rolls over. when he looks up, a man in a mask (the thief) is standing over him

Cut to black.

Open in a forest clearing. Zach is tied to a tree with a man in a black mask pacing in front of him.

Thief: What are you doing here?

Zach: Huh what, nothing.

The thief slaps Zach.

Thief: I’ll ask again, what were you doing following me? Are you police?

Zach: What, no? Ill say again. I was doing nothing. Just walking.

Thief: No way, you’re here for me. And why’d you have a radio if your alone. Who’s your friend?

Zach: Friend, what friend.

Thief; Well i guess were about to find out aren’t we.

Zach: what do you mean.

Thief: So your telling me that if I leave you out in the middle of the forest with your radio then a friend will not come and help you?

Zach: Err no….

Thief: No way. I’m not letting you leave here. [holds up a black duffel bag] I’ve stolen the most expensive object in Jersey! I’m not going to be thwarted by some kids.

Thief hits Zach with a rock.

Cut to black.

Luke walking through the woods, looking around nervously. He finds a spot to hide and waits for Zach. He then hears a voice shouting in a clearing ahead.


Luke runs forward and crouches behind a bush and see Zach tied to a tree. With Thief in front of him.

Thief: Well explain to me why you had all this ?

Thief empties Zach’s backpack on the floor in front of him.

Thief: I’ve come this far, there’s nothing left to do than get rid of you!

Zach: No! Please – I wont say anything I swear.

Thief: Do you think I’m a fool! [he raises a big rock] you should have stayed at home boy….

Cut to Luke

Luke jumps up from behind the bush. He picks up a rock and throws it at the thief. The thief falls over, unconscious.

Luke runs over to Zach. Picks up a knife from the guards pocket and starts to cut the rope holding Zach

Zach: Thank god you came Luke. I cannot thank you enough. I thought I was a gonner!

Luke: All I’m going to say is “I did warn you.”

Zach: Yeh you did. Now lets get out of here.

Luke: What? No way. You think I’ve done all this for nothing. We came for something and we are gonna leave with it.

Zach: I’m not staying here! I’ve almost died.

Luke: And I almost died saving your ass, now get up and grab the duffel bag!

[Zach smiles hesitantly, then grabs the bag from next to the thief and the boys run off into the trees. Just in time, as thy run a roar is heard behind them]

Thief: Oi, don’t you dare!

The thief chases after the boys but can’t catch them

Montage of boys running and thief chasing but getting more tired

The boys get to the opening of the forest, then scene changes to Luke’s living room. They fall and, panting, to their knees.

Zach: We’re safe here Luke

Luke: Well lets see what we got!

The boys empty out their bag. A large gold coin falls out

Luke: Holy shit, is that…

Zach looks up something on his phone. He shows it to Luke.

Zach: It is bro, and look how much its worth!

Luke: Oh my god, no way. We better get straight down to the station. [He goes to stand up]

Zach: Wait. No one knows we have this. This things’ got to be a hell of a lot more than what the police are offering.

Luke: Zach, what are you saying?

[Zoom into Zach]

Zach: I’m saying, Luke, what if we just didn’t hand it in…..

Zoom out of the boys then cut to black