city of god micro elements

mise en scene: In city of god the Mise en scene is really good. The directors thought about the different time period of the film and altered the sets to match those in real life. for example: the drug house is very bare and has little decoration of warmth about it. However Bernice’s house is more homely and has utensils and decorations on the walls like pots and pans

sound: The use of needle drops build suspense as it gets the audience more engaged. In this case it is bunny’s death which turns out to be a massive turning point in the narrative of the film.

The use of Leit Motifs such as the ones use for Lil ze and goose; are used as it make the audience make the connection between the music and the character. The music also describes the character such as there intentions or personality like with lil ze. His leitmotif is more rash and rough music


The use of 360 degree shots in this scene is very clever as it describes the entire narrative. On one side you have Lil ze and the gangs such as Carrots etc and on the other side you have the police who are trying to stop the conflict. In the middle is rocket who isnt one a certian side and is trying to document the whole thing.


the use of the captions maker it clearer when a subplot has begun and helps give context behind certain characters

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