NEA Script – George Blake



  • Farmer 1 
  • Farmer 2 
  • German 1(Dead) 
  • German 2 – (Can possibly play the 2nd Dead soldier)

Starts with in media res –  

Farmer 1 drags the lifeless body of German 1 across the floor whilst farmer 2 follows frantically in pursuit.  

Farmer 1: We are done for this! They’re going to kill us if they find out!  

Farmer 2 catches up and says in a panting breathe… 

Farmer 2: Calm down! We are almost there, once we’ve got the shovels, I know a place to hide the body! 

Sene cuts with an Ellipsis to both farmers digging a hole in a farm  

Farmer 1 stops to catch his breathe 

Farmer 2: this is not the time to take a break  

Farmer 1: I know I know * resumes digging*  

Farmers stop digging and grab the soldier who has been stripped of his heavier equipment and is a just in a shirt and trousers 

Farmer 2: I will grab his legs you grab his arms, got it? 

Farmer 1: got it. 

Lowering him in the camera is a worm level shot looking up as dirt covers it until the screen goes black.  

Text appears – A few minutes Earlier 

Screen fades in to a German soldier standing by a brick wall appearing to be on guard.  

German soldier 1: mein Godt ist zu heist 

Shot changes to Farmer 1 and Farmer 2 positioned somewhere high up with a hammer in one of their hands – both are out of frame from each other  

Farmer 2: OI, pass me the hammer there’s something loose over here! 

Farmer 1: yes yes, just give me a second * mimics hitting something of screen before chucking it off screen to farmer 1* 

Scene cuts back to German on guard in the same spot and positioning they were in before but a hammer comes down and hits them on the helmet knocking them out. 

Canted anle shows hes unconscious 

 Close-up shot –  

Farmer 1: Oh no.  

Farmer 2: Oh no.  

(In the distance) German 2: oh mein gott ist heist, ja Johan? 

Farmer 1: what are we going to do his friend will come and check up on him at any minute! 

Farmer 2: Let’s get down and well take him somewhere, anywhere, far from here! 

Running up to body the camera is a worm level looking up at both as they look down at the dead German. 

Farmer 1: God, (feeling for pulse) he’s dead, that makes this so much worse 

Farmer 2: we need to move him 

Camera shows both men fling an arm each over their shoulders and move him around a building corner  

German 2 is shown walking down the road to German 1s location 

German 2: (shouting now) Johan! Wo bist du? 

German 2 is about to turn the corner to where the farmers are hiding his body, scene cuts back to farmers –  

Farmer 2: we must make it seem like he’s fine 

Farmer 1: What! Are you mental that won’t wor- (cut off as farmer 2 flails German 1s lifeless arm using in a broken German impression) 

Farmer 2: Hallo kamarad, est ist gut  

German 2: Wirklich?

Farmer 2: errhh, Ja Tschuss

Dramatic pause is held as the camera at a canted angle zooms in on his eyes before stretching back out again

German 2: oh ok, auf wiedersehn *walks away*  

Farmer 1: what was that, you call that speaking German!?!?

Farmer 2: well, I’m not a bloody collaborator, it did the job! 

Montage of the 2 farmers commences, shows them moving the body to different locations, panicking and arguing, until finally they set eyes on farmer 2’s farm.  

The In Media res part – replays but shortened 

Scene starts right after they finish burying the body  

Farmer 1: Phew, I’m glad that’s over  

Farmer 2: yeah now lets get back to work so they won’t expect anything, we’ll say we had a lunch break

Farmer 2: Hey throw me the shovel ill chuck it with the rest of the tools 

Throwing the shovel, farmer 2 misses the catch and the shovel goes over a ledge killing another German down below. 

looking over ledge at the second German they just killed – camera is to their rear

switches to camera looking up them from below the ledge

Farmer 1: Oh for fu-  

Words cut off as end credits roll with music score.  

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