Pan’s Labyrinth – Representation of Gender & Aesthetics – George Blake

Men – Men, such as Captain Vidal, are represented as being overly masculine and autocratic, featuring patriarchal tendencies of being cold and having emotionless personalities. Also seen to be striving for their own goals, This is the case with Vidal, wanting an heir to his name and to crush the communist resistance.

Men, are also shown however as caring, passionate defenders who want to help others and fight for freedom such as with Mercedes Brother, Pedro and Doctor Ferreiro.

Women – Women, such as Ofelia, Carmen (Ofelias mother) and Mercedes are all patriarchally represented as subservient to men, forced to abide by their dictations and rules. However at the same time, Ofelia and Mercedes are shown as rule breakers and breaking away from the stereotypical representation by disobeying their infixed rules. For example, Ofelia dirties up her dress that her mother gifted her, goes against its stereotypical appearance of a maid-purposed outfit that she said she should feel ‘privileged’ to wear as para-phrased from her mothers words.

Another Example can be seen with Mercedes who uses her deceptive appearance as a house maid to go under the nose of captain Vidal to supply her brother and the resistance fighters with supplies to fight against the fascists and eventually hurt captain Videl.

Tone – The Tone of Pan’s labyrinth is both dark and heartfelt with elements combined to make you believe your watching a film made for children with its use of fantastical elements but also horror with the use of frightening and graphic scenes of the actions of Captain Vidal and the appearance of the Faun, fairies and Pale man.

Visual Style – Using a mix of dark and rich warm hues, the visual style is purposely used to create a visual style of a fairy-tale whilst also using darker scenes to show the bleak reality of events that fits within its historical context. The visual style as a whole shows the mixed reality Ofelia lives in of a fantastical world and also a painful real one.

Realism – Pan’s Labyrinth is a film that contains magic-realism with its use of characters such as fauns, fairies and monsters, this is used to create a fantastical world that Ofelia lives in, either as an illusion or a reality, regardless it is used to create a world far from our own to a illusive world we can escape to when watching the film.

NEA Script – George Blake



  • Farmer 1 
  • Farmer 2 
  • German 1(Dead) 
  • German 2 – (Can possibly play the 2nd Dead soldier)

Starts with in media res –  

Farmer 1 drags the lifeless body of German 1 across the floor whilst farmer 2 follows frantically in pursuit.  

Farmer 1: We are done for this! They’re going to kill us if they find out!  

Farmer 2 catches up and says in a panting breathe… 

Farmer 2: Calm down! We are almost there, once we’ve got the shovels, I know a place to hide the body! 

Sene cuts with an Ellipsis to both farmers digging a hole in a farm  

Farmer 1 stops to catch his breathe 

Farmer 2: this is not the time to take a break  

Farmer 1: I know I know * resumes digging*  

Farmers stop digging and grab the soldier who has been stripped of his heavier equipment and is a just in a shirt and trousers 

Farmer 2: I will grab his legs you grab his arms, got it? 

Farmer 1: got it. 

Lowering him in the camera is a worm level shot looking up as dirt covers it until the screen goes black.  

Text appears – A few minutes Earlier 

Screen fades in to a German soldier standing by a brick wall appearing to be on guard.  

German soldier 1: mein Godt ist zu heist 

Shot changes to Farmer 1 and Farmer 2 positioned somewhere high up with a hammer in one of their hands – both are out of frame from each other  

Farmer 2: OI, pass me the hammer there’s something loose over here! 

Farmer 1: yes yes, just give me a second * mimics hitting something of screen before chucking it off screen to farmer 1* 

Scene cuts back to German on guard in the same spot and positioning they were in before but a hammer comes down and hits them on the helmet knocking them out. 

Canted anle shows hes unconscious 

 Close-up shot –  

Farmer 1: Oh no.  

Farmer 2: Oh no.  

(In the distance) German 2: oh mein gott ist heist, ja Johan? 

Farmer 1: what are we going to do his friend will come and check up on him at any minute! 

Farmer 2: Let’s get down and well take him somewhere, anywhere, far from here! 

Running up to body the camera is a worm level looking up at both as they look down at the dead German. 

Farmer 1: God, (feeling for pulse) he’s dead, that makes this so much worse 

Farmer 2: we need to move him 

Camera shows both men fling an arm each over their shoulders and move him around a building corner  

German 2 is shown walking down the road to German 1s location 

German 2: (shouting now) Johan! Wo bist du? 

German 2 is about to turn the corner to where the farmers are hiding his body, scene cuts back to farmers –  

Farmer 2: we must make it seem like he’s fine 

Farmer 1: What! Are you mental that won’t wor- (cut off as farmer 2 flails German 1s lifeless arm using in a broken German impression) 

Farmer 2: Hallo kamarad, est ist gut  

German 2: Wirklich?

Farmer 2: errhh, Ja Tschuss

Dramatic pause is held as the camera at a canted angle zooms in on his eyes before stretching back out again

German 2: oh ok, auf wiedersehn *walks away*  

Farmer 1: what was that, you call that speaking German!?!?

Farmer 2: well, I’m not a bloody collaborator, it did the job! 

Montage of the 2 farmers commences, shows them moving the body to different locations, panicking and arguing, until finally they set eyes on farmer 2’s farm.  

The In Media res part – replays but shortened 

Scene starts right after they finish burying the body  

Farmer 1: Phew, I’m glad that’s over  

Farmer 2: yeah now lets get back to work so they won’t expect anything, we’ll say we had a lunch break

Farmer 2: Hey throw me the shovel ill chuck it with the rest of the tools 

Throwing the shovel, farmer 2 misses the catch and the shovel goes over a ledge killing another German down below. 

looking over ledge at the second German they just killed – camera is to their rear

switches to camera looking up them from below the ledge

Farmer 1: Oh for fu-  

Words cut off as end credits roll with music score.