mise-en-scene in Pans Labyrinth

there was some good Mise-en-scene in the film, the costumes they used really set the time that they lived in. certain props like the jugs of milk and the different meals you can tell that it was the 1940s. the way the set was very old fashioned, like the brick houses and the old cabins.

NEA film script

POV shot of the main character opening his eyes and looking around

Close up handheld shot of the man looking around whilst the camera is going in an out of focus

Dutch angle shot of the man standing up

Long shot of the man walking around the room and walking towards a phone on the ground.

Close up shot of the phone as it is being picked up

Shoulder shot of him turning it on and seeing the date on the phone

Man 1: how long have I been out

medium shot of the man placing the phone on the ground

close up shot of the phone as it pans to some pills next to a bag

medium shot of man picking up pills

extreme close up shot of the man eating the pills

tracking shoulder shot of the man walking through the house and into another room where he finds a family picture.

Close up shot of the family picture

he picks it up visibly confused

Man 1 : who is this

Man turns around and starts looking unpleasant

Man1 : what’s that noise

Dutch angle of the man turning around and looking confused

Close up shot of him dropping the picture as it smashes

Camera pans to medium close up of a sleeping man on the sofa

Wide shot of the sleeping man and the man on opposite sides of the room

Close up shot of the sleeping mans closed eyes as the audio of the man snoring plays

Close up shot of the man stumbling through the rooms to get back to the door.

Close up of the door knob as the man tries to open it but he cant because it’s locked

Medium shot of the man stumbling back to his bag and taking more of the pills.

Extreme close up of him eating the pills

He blacks out.

Close up shot of the man on the portait

Cuts to a Overhead shot of the Man on the portrait in the living room in bed

Close up shot of his alarm going off

Medium shot of him waking up

Cuts to Tracking shot of him walking to his kitchen

Ellipse cut to a overhead shot of the coffee being made

Wide shot cut to him walking into his living room and sitting in the chair

Close up shot of the door bell being rang

Man 2 : Shouts “come in”

Close up shot of bell being rang again

Man 2: Frustrated ” I said come in”

Extreme close up shot of of the door ringing again

Man 2 gets up up and answers door

Man 2 opens the door and Man 1 is waiting

Man 2: “I said come in you know”

Man 1: “sorry didn’t hear you

Medium shot of man 1 entering the house

Man 2” you must be here for the plumbing

Man 1″ yeah that’s right”

Tracking shoulder shot of Man 1 and Man 2 walking through the house onto the kitchen.

Man 2″ do you prefer tea or coffee

Man 1″coffee please”

Wide shot of the room as man 2 is pouring coffee

Man 2″ I’m going to go toilet real quick just bring the coffees into the living room when you’ve made them

Man 1″ Sure thing”

Medium shot of Man 2 leaving room,

Shot pans to man 1 grabbing some powder from his bag

Close up shot of the man pouring the powder into one of the coffees.

Tracking shot of him brining the coffees to the man in the living room

Man 2″cheers mate”

Man 1″no problem”

Man 1 and Man 2 take a sip of their coffee

Man 2″this is strong”

Man 2 passes out on the chair

Man 1 takes both coffees back to the kitchen and opens his bag

He begins stealing items from the owner like ornaments and emptying them into his bag

Extreme close up shot of the pills.

He moves some pills in his bag so he can put some more stuff in their

He appears to be tired so takes a sip of the coffee

Extreme close up shot of his eyes drowsily shutting.

Dutch shot of him falling on the ground.

Quick cut to a wide shot of the sleeping man and man 1

Tracking shot of man 1 walking into the other room

Dutch angle shot of him clutching his head and looking shocked

He the collapses to the floor and drops his bag

Zooming out shot of the mans unconscious body

Cut to man 1 acting shocked after realising what he’s done

Tracking shot of him walking out the room

POV shot of him placing his hand on the door

Audio of police siren plays

Movie cuts to black.