(Cinematography image)

Film 3: Bombita
What did you like about the film? I liked the characters, as they were given a lot of backstories such as with Bombita having marital issues and the employees having a history of scamming | What didn’t you like? It could’ve used more scenes of the man’s family problems as it seemed abit random for them to be together one minute and then separated in the next part. |
What ideas could you use? Narrative or style? I liked the style of large, angled shots, as they were able to establish a location well and added detail to the scene. | What ideas won’t you use? Why? VFX like explosions as they are difficult to edit and most likely wouldn’t fit the short film. |
In-Depth study: All elements
Feature | Example |
Narrative structure | The narrative structure is well presented with sequence of events being presented through a linear pace. Scenes feel about the same length which allows the viewer to take in more from what is happening in the storyline. |
Establishing characters, setting, plot, theme | ‘Bombita’ is portrayed as a person of respected authority and composure within life and his workplace, this is until the emotionless and rude employees of the towing company and department of complaints ignore the fact he wasn’t parked illegally. These characters are portrayed as a corrupt government keen on scamming the people. After having this tow company lead to him having a rough patch in his marriage and employment, Bombita takes up the mantel of a robinhood-esk character by striking back against them with a bomb implanted in his car. It is shown that soon after he regained his place in society for acting against the corrupt figures. |
Mise-en-scene | The Mise-en-scene of the film is heavily reliant on the use of composition, props, and locations. This is evident with the use of props like set charges for bomb demolition being used at the start then later. Locations such as the towing centre, city road etc. |
Cinematography | The Cinematography in ‘Bombita’ uses Long Shots regularly to establish current events in scenes, this is evident in scenes such as this as (whilst combined with an over the shoulder shot) Bombita is seen to be relaxed in watching his car get towed as it is all a part of his plan. |
Editing | Jump cuts are used to establish time separation between scenes, this is clear during scene where bombita is sitting through traffic in a clear day and by the time he reaches home, the sky has turned to dusk. |
Sound | Foley sound such as explosions are used in scenes where they are needed such as with the demolition sight or when bombita gets his revenge. |