Narration: a voiceover in a story which explains the plot or establishes the story.
Backstory: an explanation of a characters, location or something else’s past.
Flashback: when the story switch’s to the past in the middle of the story.
Ellipse: leaving out a part of the story for the audience to fill in the gaps.
Cliff hanger: when a story ends abruptly and unresolved.
Macguffin: an object or device that drives the plot that wasnt related to the plot beforehand.
Foreshadowing: when a plot point is hinted at earier on in the story.
Causality: the cause and effect within a story which keeps it going.
In media res: when the plot starts within the middle of the story.
Narrative hook: an interesting thing in the beginning of the plot which makes the audience want to keep watching.
Plot twist: an abrupt change in the story which changes the overall narrative.