Narrative Theory Task 1 – George Blake

Todorov theorised that all narratives contain equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, resolution and new equilibrium. What this meant was that narratives are conditioned around the character and events surrounding them are started due to an equilibrium.

His Theory states that the majority of narratives contain opposing main characters, such as with Hero’s and villain’s, the opposition between the 2 thickening the plot and further the narrative.

Propp’s Theory states that characters within a narrative are driven through their action types and function within a story, such as with Hero’s, damsels, sidekicks, helpers, etc.

Their Theory states that a hero ventures forth into from a common/ordinary world into one that is estranged or supernatural from their own, with the story ending back home in the ordinary world.

Barthes theory of narrative codes, identifies 5 different kinds of semiotic elements. These 5 codes are: Hermeneutic, Proairetic, Semantic, Symbolic and cultural.

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