narrative theory/ narratology task 1

Key Theorists

Todorov – Equilibrium

Todorov’s narrative structure theory states that all narratives contain equilibrium, disequilibrium, recognition, resolution, and new equilibrium. Equilibrium is the beginning stage in the theory, it is the ‘steady state’ where things are all as they should be.

Levi-Strauss – Binary Oppositions

This theory entails that the majority of narratives in media forms contain opposing main characters, these binary opposites help to thicken the plot and further the narrative as it introduces contrast.

Propp – Spheres of Action (Character Types)

Propp argued that stories are character driven and that plots develop from the decisions and actions of characters and how they function in a story, he claimed characters could be classified into certain roles that progress a story. He identified seven archetypes: the villain, the donor, the helper, the princess, the dispatcher, the hero, and the false hero.

Vogler/Campbell – Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey Theory is a theory that aims to prove the existence of repetition of hero travel patters used in many heroic stories. It’s been analysed as an example of the sympathetic plot, a universal narrative structure in which a goal-directed protagonist confronts obstacles, overcomes them, and eventually reaps rewards.

Barthes – Narrative Codes

According to Barthes, all narratives share structural features that each narrative weaves together in different ways. The five narrative codes are; hermeneutic/enigma code, proairetic/action code, semantic code, symbolic code and cultural/referential code.

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