Todorov: that in a narrative, the character will go through five stages being Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition Repair the Damage and Equilibrium Again.
Levi-Strauss: that in a narrative. The two protagonists will be the opposite to each other to thicken the plot.
Propp: that there are 7 types of character in a story being the villain, donor, helper, princess, dispatcher, hero and false hero.
Vogler/Campbell: that the narrative follows a 12 step structure being a call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting a mentor, crossing the threshold, tests, approach to the inmost cave, the ordeal, the reward, the road back, the resurrection, the return and the freedom to live.
Barthes: that there are 5 narrative codes in a story being the enigma code, action code, semantic code, symbolic code and the cultural code.