Intellectual montage –
An Intellectual Montage is used with scenes cutting between the workers being killed and a cow, this creates a visual comparison of how the workers are being ‘butchered’ by the oppressive government.

Metric Montage –
A metric montage is seen between scenes of a fire in a family home, with similarly timed shots, the fire service is being seen to not put out the fire which has ruined the families heirlooms but rather be put to use to try and disperse the crowd of workers on strike.

Tonal-Editing montage –
Shown through the scene where a young worker struggles to free himself from a door, shadowy lighting and tone is used to show his cramped position.

Rhythmic Montage –
A rhythmic montage is used in the scene where a mother realises her son has gone to play under the army officers horse, trying to get him out of harms way she hurriedly grabs him pushing the horse out the way and as a result is beaten upon by the soldier.

Over-tonal Montage –
An over-tonal montage is used in the scene where the workers attack the soldiers, as a result, scenes change to different tonal areas, such as bright open road to a more condensed shadowy factory sight.