What is your understanding of a realist mode of film making? Can you think of an example from a film we have watched.
The realist mode of film making is expressing an idea of a film without the use of dramatization and stylization. An example of this is This is England with its kitchen sink realism used to present its story and characters.

What is your understanding of an expressive mode of filmmaking? can you think of examples of films that are expressive.
The expressive mode of film making is expressing’s ideas in the film with an over the top nature and over dramatic tone. A good example of this is Bonnie and Clyde with the overtop energetic shootout scenes. Trainspotting also makes use of the expressionism movement and makes many over the top scenes presenting the effects of drugs.

To what extent does Einsenteisn work merge the two ideas and how does he do this in Strike
Eistenetin merges the two so he can create points for the audience but still keep its realism but use the expressionism to capture the audiences attention. An example of expressionism is the scenes with the chained up bears as this is used to present the real issue of animal cruelty. An example of realism in the film is the poor treatment of workers.