Intellectual Montage
The cutting between the slaughter of the cow and the death of the workers makes Eisenstein’s point of comparing Russian workers to animals being exploited for labour purposes and killed once they are no longer of use.

Metric Montage
As one of the workers plummets to his death, the fall is condensed down to three shots, each lasting the same length. We see the man drop from the platform, someone attempting to grab him, and his death.

Rhythmic Montage
When the child is dropped and killed, we see him fall from a variety of different angles back to back, keeping the editing in continuity.

Tonal Montage
The cutting between the interior and exterior of the building connect to show the fear and panic of the workers, whether it be the dread of being killed by the military or being trapped alone.

Over-tonal Montage
When the worker attacks the leader of the company, cuts happen between every action, and as the man slams his hand down on the table, ink spills out onto the map, possibly representing the blood of the workers that are about to be killed. The spilling of the ink happens while the shareholders react to the worker’s outburst.