Tonal editing method – Noir films such as T-men (1947, directed by Anthony Mann) include a tonal editing method in their scenes such as this, where one dimly lit room is faded and opened to another. This is edited through scenes to establish a recurrent ‘shady’ location.

Rhythmic montage – Music videos such as Loyle Carner’s ‘Ottolenghi’ contains a rhythmic montage in tune with a piano, with each stroke of the piano changing cutting to a different shot in the edit.

The Intellectual Method – With the film ‘Inglorious Basterds’ (2009, Quentin Taterntino) the intellectual method is used during the restaurant scene where a French cinema owner meets with Joseph Goebbels and a Nazi officer, Hans lander. Being a ‘Jew hunter’ he had previously met her in the establishing scene of the film where her and her family where found hiding under a friends floor. Where the method is used can be seen in the restaurant scene where Hans Lander orders a glass of milk and eats a Crème de la Crème, this is done intentionally to reference to the milk farmer who he had hunted previously, this visually taunts the girl as he knows who she is from the milk farmers house, this is further shown where he puts out a cigarette on it making it look similar to French country house where he found here hiding previously.