Film Odyssey/Part 2 – George Blake

Who where buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd and why were so influential?

Buster Keaton:

Buster Keaton, an American actor, comedian and director was known for his slapstick films from the 1920s, his use of physical comedy and genuine stunts made his films highly popular at the time, additionally with stoic deadpan face at reactions, he earned himself the nick name “the great stone face” . This can be seen with his film ‘The General’ where by setting a bridge alight he genuinely had a steam train collapse. His dangerous stunts would go onto inspire the other comedians of his time such as Harold Lloyd.

Charlie Chaplin:

Born in England, but moving to LA to start his own film studio, Chaplin was famous for his slapstick comedy also. His most recognisable character was ‘The Tramp’ which he played in numerous films playing a dopey man of the people. His films also used emotional impacts such as with his film ‘The kid’.

One of his most famous films was ‘The great dictator’ in 1940, due to his similar appearance to hitler, he mocked him through the film, playing a child-like, waltzing military leader obsessed with the world.

(Chaplin’s film ‘The Great Dictator’)

Harold Lloyd:

Born in the US. Harold Lloyds early film Career started off inspired by the Chaplin’s ‘tramp’ character, however when he progressed into film he soon adopted his new character that wore “Dorky” glasses. Like Keaton, Lloyd was known for dis dangerous stunts such as in his film ‘Safety Last!’.