The character of Clyde is more in line with masculine stereotypes being the one that leads the crime spree teaching and guiding them as they go along. He is also the most violent out of the two being able to murder a random civilian without hesitation to get away.

The character of Bonnie breaks the stereotype of women within the film. As she is seen to engage within the violent behaviour carrying a gun and intimidating the park ranger. She also isn’t shown as inferior to Clyde having a say in decisions not being scared to stand up to him.

Authority figures:
Authority figures are shown as the antagonists throughout the film being an obstacle to Bonnie and Clyde’s criminal activities. In the first half of the film they are mocked examples being when they shoot at the barn in resentment of the bank or when they take menacing pictures with the park ranger. however in the second half they become more of a threat as the ranger is able to get their whereabouts leading to their death.

People of Colour:
Black people are barley represented within the film at all with the only black character being one the farmers who has little to no dialogue. the representation isn’t negative but inequality is still seen through an absent of racially diverse characters.

Working class:
Working class people are portrayed sympathetically having little to no money and are shown as victims of the upper class an example being the farmer who had his house repossessed by the bank. Therefore Bonnie and Clyde are not shown harming the working class but rather the rich in an act to avenge them in some way.