- Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory, Dir. Lumiere Brothers. 1895

2. A Phantom ride is when a camera is places on the front of a moving vehicle, e.g train, to mimic its path and travel. ‘Phantom ride’ gets the name from it looking like a ghost floating above the train tracks.

3. The film ‘The sick kitten’ Dir George Albert Smith 1901, was ground breaking as it utilises close ups in a way that was never seen before. Redefining close ups as a way for audience to get a better or more dramatic understanding of what’s happening.

The film ‘Life of an American Fireman’ Dir. Edwin S. Porter, George S. Fleming 1903, was also considered inventive as it used cuts to show what happens next.

.4. The first movie star in Hollywood was Florence Lawrence, she was the first film player whose name was used to promote her films