The scene was shaped by editor Dede Allen of whom Penn said, “she wasn’t an editor, she was a constructionist.” Jump cuts used inspired by French New Wave directors like Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut show Penn’s Film School background.
He used tempo, timing, along with joining shots to enhance the film. The most renowned scene in the film is the final scene of the film where Pen used various shots to capture several emotions and actions within seconds of film time. He also utilizes narrative sequencing to tell the infamous tale of Bonnie and Clyde.
an example of an editing style is when Bonnie ran out the car and had an argument with Clyde, this editing style is a reverse shot, where you can see their conversation from their point of view, and it jumps to their view point then it jumps to both of them on the screen no longer in their point of view.