location: bonnie and Clyde is set rural 1930s America as they travel through towns in Texas, Louisiana, Ohio and Oklahoma. they travel though the south west of America robbing towns and shops. this is set during 1930s so it would be the middle of the great depression.

interior sets: All of the houses in bonnie and Clyde are very nice and aesthetic upon arrival. however when the gang leave the house there are always broken windows and gunshots in the walls and doors. This shows how wanted they are across America.

costumes: Clyde and henry are seen to be wearing suits and waistcoats. this is because this was the suitable clothes for men to wear in America at this time. they also (being bank robbers) would be able to pay for smarter clothes. bonnie is seen in multiple different outfits through the film and these were not as how women would have dressed at the time the film was set but it changed the way women dressed in America

props: most of the props in the film are different handguns that they steal from officers and rangers