The town locations in the films are seen to have open, barren spaces between buildings to give the rural feeling to the area portraying the poverty people faced.

The country side within the movie also was empty, flat, wide open spaces giving an adventurous feeling to the movie as the characters travel through unknown spaces to escape the law.

The house in this scene is broken down and rural accurately displaying the great depression era as many at the time could not afford expensive house leaving many abandoned as scene in this part of the film.

The banks in this movie are seen to be more expensive looking showing the power difference between the government and the people and how unfair it is.

Bonnie and Clyde wear more expensive, fashionable clothing in the movie not being realistic to the real characters the film is based on. This was done to make the characters more appealing to the audience with many people copying Bonnie’s style after the films release.

These characters in the American countryside more accurately reflect the real people of this time period wear more scruffy and dirty clothing making their struggles and world feel more relatable to the audience.

Guns are seen a lot in this movie breaking the norm for movies in regards to violence at this time. This was done as the French wave film movement allowed for more creative freedom for directors allowing them to break the rules with this film inspiring many other productions to be more violent.