rating: 6.5
most memorable scene: this is the moment when Rick and Ilsa are are spending their last moments together as the love he has for her makes him let go to keep her safe.
rating: 6.5
most memorable scene: this is the moment when Rick and Ilsa are are spending their last moments together as the love he has for her makes him let go to keep her safe.
rating – 6/10
I think this film had a good romantic narrative however for me it was difficult to go along with the story as alot was happening.
My memorable scene would be the scene where Sam plays the piano song for Ilsa as this song is Ilsa and Ricks song so it’s an emotional scene for her and brings back her memories that takes the audience with her.
Score: 7.5/10
Most memorable scene: this is the most memorable scene as its the last moment between Rick and ilsa, who are destined to be together but war keeps them apart. It also shows the love and dedication that Rick has for Ilsa.
i think that Casablanca was a 6/10 film, it had a good musical score, and camera shots, and was written well, a memorable scene is the opening scene as it shows what kind of place Casablanca was and how it isnt safe
Score: 8/10
Memorable Scene: When Rick reveals to Ilsa he won’t leave Casablanca with her and Victor. I found this memorable as it shows what Rick is willing to do in order to ensure that Ilsa is safe, even if he’s not with her.
Iconic shot:
I’d give this film a 5/10
I liked the film, and a lot of shots were very well done and flowed very well, however I found the story very all over the place, and few times actually grabbing my attention.
This is an iconic shot for me as this really brings the audience outside of the gloomy reality they live in, and into this fantastical romance, and its composed so they are in the centre and we focus just on them, nothing else.
a memorable scene for me was when they were battling over each other in the bar with the music, which showed people uniting with excitement and emotion which was a much needed shift in tone.
I think that Casablanca was overall 4/10. It had good qualities such as good musical score, set design and sound effects. It also looked very good for its time. However i thought the film was slow paced and boring at times. Nothing major happened until the second half of the film. A memorable scene of the movie is when Rick pulls a gun on the officer as it is a shock to the audience.
I would give the film a 4/10 was an intriguing story but the other areas lacked compared to the other films on this course and can be hard to follow sometimes, but is forgivable baring in mind how old it is. My personal favourite scene is the plane scene where Rick tells llsa that she is flying without him as it was a really impactful scene with lots of emotion.
iconic shot:
9/10 – For me the most memorable scene was the final one where Rick Helps Ilsa and Lazlo escape Casablanca from the Nazi’s. This is so prominent for me as it is an emotional comeuppance of Ricks closed of nature and reveals his true intentions on how he loves her and wants Ilsa and Lazlo take make a difference in the war by escaping to America.
rating- 5/10
i thought that movie was good for an old movie, however it was bot very clear on what was happening in the exact moment. it had a really good storyline to it because of the war happening at that period.
my most memroble scene when the main woman first showed up in the movie and everyone was in shock